Find out more on Debt Consolidation Credit Counseling In Phoenix Now!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
The tax credit is only available if you have not owned in the last 3 years.
If you owe no taxes, you get the full $8,000. Say you owe $2,000 in taxes, you will get a $6,000 tax refund check for buying a house in 2009.
If you owe less than $8,000 in taxes, the difference gets refunded to you The full amount of the credit is available to singles who make $75,000 or less, or couples who make $150,000 or less(tax credit phases out above those caps)
This tax credit is only good until December 2009
So if you buy a house before Dec 2009 this year, you could have $8,000 in taxes eliminated. If you owe less than $8,000 you will get the difference refunded. So if you owe $4,000 in taxes, you will eliminate the $4,000 + get a refund for $4,000! You could put this money in the bank as cash reserves or use it to assist you in furnishing your new house or making improvements.
FHA and Fannie Mae loan limits are now back to $729,000 in most of CA. You can get a lot of house in CA again for $729,000.
Call Rob 858-922-7899 (direct)
FHA and VA Loan Specialist
858-922-7899 (direct)
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Here, we'll review a few important elements of your credit report and how to improve those.
The first thing you want to do is to get a written copy of your current credit report. Without this, you can't do much so it's important to get it.
The instant you receive your credit report, begin running through it and see if you find any false or inaccurate records. Take it easy and make sure you check meticulously, because it is worth it. Don't miss the importance of this step.
Be sure to check how many times your credit report was checked lately. If this number seems too high, above 5 for instance, this could have a negative effect on your credit scores. Note the inquiries that don't seem common to you.
If you've checked everything and found any incorrect data, you write a letter to the responsible credit reporting agency. Make sure you include all the necessary information, like your full name, current address, social security number etc. Put everything on paper, this means making a copy of your letters.
By taking these steps, you have taken the first step to cleaning up your credit. Do not be satisfied with evading remarks from some call center employee too quickly, and you may be surprised by a sudden rise in credit!
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Consolidation loans propose a fresh start by giving you the chance to consolidate all of your credit card debts into one. This is one form of payment that gives you one payment which is very manageable. If lucky, you can also find the best deal with the lowest interest rate. When providing collateral like your house, a cheaper interest rate can be obtained resulting in lower debt consolidation loans. Debt consolidation loans , which is mostly recommended in credit counseling services, and can transform your pile of repayments to just one big but discounted monthly .
Loan rates with debt consolidation programs are still dependent on the status of your monthly payments It likewise depends on the conditions concurred upon and the total amount borrowed and term.
Unsecured forms of debt consolidation loan, where the client offers no security like a home or a property, will most likely not be given lower rates for interests. These types of debt consolidation mean higher degree of risk with the lender. Your lender will also try to compensate his risks with higher interest rates. The story is a little different with a good credit. Debt consolidation loans are offered at best rates where you'll find exactly what you need. Nonetheless, try to research more means aside from debt consolidation if interest rates are quite higher than expected.
Always ask for a financial expert's advice when starting this decision to consolidate your loans. Let a financial expert calculate the cost of the loan term before deciding if it is a great option to consider.
Here a great catch with debt consolidation. It actually can work in your favor as it can boost your credit situation. If you are surveying for debt consolidation options, you would be preferred positively because of your purpose to repay your accounts.
While with the debt consolidation program already, maintain prompt payments. This will certainly work in your favor and will better your credit report for the long term. With due diligence, it will generate a positive impact on your credit history. This in return will make more room for better financial options. Without a doubt, debt consolidation is a good idea but it will test your discipline for it to work with your finances
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