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Monday, December 22, 2008
Looking online can be work just finding a opportunity that works. The Abundant Living System is no different. With all the flashy promises of making the seeming easy $2500.00 a week it all seems like alot of hype and build up to a scam.
Being as though I have lookedfirst hand at The Abundant Livinging System and I must say I am totally shocked at what I have found out. Although there are hundreds of "make $500 a week" ads and websites out there, theirs seem to be different. I compared it to a few other money making programs online that I've made thousands with to see what all the talking about cash gifting was about.
Like any other "work from home business it to has over 500,000 references to it on those search engines. Also in small business magazines in book stores it's in alot of those ads there as well. But good marketing doesn't mean that a work from home opportunity is not a a scam or a rip off..so I looked more closely at it.
Wow! .. On youtube and other video websites there are tens of thousands of videos talking about cash gifting on their own videos. I'm sure you've seen them with all the money being counted out from the overnight fed ex packages. I figured they were all fakes and sent the money to themselves and wanted you to send them cash money for nothing. I began digging deeper.....
It started looking like my hunt was over and I had snached the covers off the scam of cash gifting..... then it dawned on me .. why not call on of these people and confront them on the fact that I had all these cash gifting programs to be one big ring of people scamming online business seekers... so I did it!
I called a lady up and we began to talk about the fraud and scheme of this cash activity on the internet and all these fake videos of cash envelopes being opened. And we talked........and we talked....... I just did not believe her no matter what she said I couldn't understand how it all worked. Why would someone send me $500 in the mail to join a website, it made no sense to me.
...2 weeks went by and I got a call from a ex co-worker who got fired for having a big shouting match with the manager ( great way to get a raise ) He told me how he lost is car and apartment and had moved into a basement with some neighbors who had the internet. He unfolded his personal story from that to recieving in 1 day $7000.00 cash to his door. Naturally I did not believe him...I mean who would believe that his Abundant Living System could do that.
I think you know what I did after I saw the envelopes,cash and website right....I began doing the exact same thing and didn't really believe it would work.... kinda just hoped it would and in 5 hours I made $500.00 cash sent by overnight delivery.
Looking online can be work just finding a opportunity that works. The Abundant Living System is no different. With all the flashy promises of making the seeming easy $2500.00 a week it all seems like alot of hype and build up to a scam.
Being as though I have lookedfirst hand at The Abundant Livinging System and I must say I am totally shocked at what I have found out. Although there are hundreds of "make $500 a week" ads and websites out there, theirs seem to be different. I compared it to a few other money making programs online that I've made thousands with to see what all the talking about cash gifting was about.
Like any other "work from home business it to has over 500,000 references to it on those search engines. Also in small business magazines in book stores it's in alot of those ads there as well. But good marketing doesn't mean that a work from home opportunity is not a a scam or a rip off..so I looked more closely at it.
Wow! .. On youtube and other video websites there are tens of thousands of videos talking about cash gifting on their own videos. I'm sure you've seen them with all the money being counted out from the overnight fed ex packages. I figured they were all fakes and sent the money to themselves and wanted you to send them cash money for nothing. I began digging deeper.....
It started looking like my hunt was over and I had snached the covers off the scam of cash gifting..... then it dawned on me .. why not call on of these people and confront them on the fact that I had all these cash gifting programs to be one big ring of people scamming online business seekers... so I did it!
I called a lady up and we began to talk about the fraud and scheme of this cash activity on the internet and all these fake videos of cash envelopes being opened. And we talked........and we talked....... I just did not believe her no matter what she said I couldn't understand how it all worked. Why would someone send me $500 in the mail to join a website, it made no sense to me.
...2 weeks went by and I got a call from a ex co-worker who got fired for having a big shouting match with the manager ( great way to get a raise ) He told me how he lost is car and apartment and had moved into a basement with some neighbors who had the internet. He unfolded his personal story from that to recieving in 1 day $7000.00 cash to his door. Naturally I did not believe him...I mean who would believe that his Abundant Living System could do that.
I think you know what I did after I saw the envelopes,cash and website right....I began doing the exact same thing and didn't really believe it would work.... kinda just hoped it would and in 5 hours I made $500.00 cash sent by overnight delivery.
For some people in serious financial difficulty they might find that their salary is not enough to service both their mortgage and their car finance.
One serious mistake that some people make in this situation is to pay smaller, low-priority debts if they cannot keep up with their high priority debts -- "If I can't pay my mortgage, at least I will keep up with my credit cards."
Not a good idea at all. Virtually every strategy to keep your home and your car will mean you have to resume repayments again in the future. If you can't make the payments just now, get in touch with your creditor and see if they will accept partial payments in the meantime.
If you absolutely cannot make the payments, it is by far and away the best decision to put the money aside to be used to pay the cost of moving home or to buy a second hand car for cash.
Another pitfall to avoid it making desperate choices. Although it is hard to accept that you will lose a home or a car or other valuable property, the alternatives can sometimes be worse.
An example would be to refinance your low interest rate mortgage with a high interest rate mortgage in order to take the pressure off in the short term (the next few months), although ultimately it will quite likely prove to be hopeless
There is almost always a better chance of negotiating a solution of sorts with your existing lender than there is by taking on finance from a finance company with high interest loans who may have an overly enthusiastic repossession department.
There are many strategies for dealing with debt problems discussed throughout this course. Occasionally, though it is best to step back and accept the inevitable change which money problems sometimes require.
Perhaps you can no longer afford to live in the home you are currently in, or maybe you need to sell the car you have now and replace it with a much cheaper one. At this point there are things you can do to make the changes in your life more bearable.
You may need to sell your home at a reasonable retail price so as to avoid a low price at a foreclosure auction, or making an agreement with your lender that they can take over ownership of the property without making you pay any shortfall.
These are not easy choices and you really do need to base these on your own unique circumstances and future prospects. After making your decision, it is the best thing to cease payments on that debt and focus instead on servicing other urgent debts.
Continuing to pay a debt on property that you will lose in the long term anyway is expensive. You do not want to "throw good money after bad."
Feelings of moral obligation to particular creditors.
When you are analyzing your priorities you might feel that some creditors deserve repayment more than others. You might like some creditors whilst really loathing others.
These feelings should rarely be a factor in deciding which debts to pay first. Giving up the family home to pay off a creditor for whom you have good feelings is too big a sacrifice.
If a creditor is sympathetic or has done you favors in the past, they are more likely to be patient as you work out your financial problems.
A similar situation arises in small towns or villages where there might be only one or two doctors or dentists servicing the community. You might not want to lose the access you have to these people and so you may feel obligated to pay their debts first. This may be a relevant concern but only in limited cases.
You should not assume that a business or a doctor will cut you off from future service right away if you don't pay. Explain the situation and ask for patience.
Also, you may find there are other creditors nearby who you can use as alternatives should the need arise.
The vast majority of people experience financial difficulty at some point in their lives. It really is nothing to be embarrassed about. Ask for help if you need to from those creditors who you have a good relationship with, and promise to do all you can to pay them back quickly as soon as you get back on your feet.
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