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Sunday, February 8, 2009

To Homeowners Who Want To Be Mortgage Free For Life. Learn More

By NeilV1001

What good is it to retire when you still have mortgage debt in retirement?

Do you Really Know What You Should Do Next?

Do you really know how to invest in the stock market and increase your investment? No, most people do not. Outside of a monthly or weekly payment to their 401K, an average person's understanding of the financial markets is based on the information sent to them by their employers.

Do you consider yourself a financial whiz kid when it comes to investing in the stock market?

If not, dont be discouraged. It is not your fault you are not a specialist. It takes years of study and practice and that's what you pay a specialist for, to take care of your investments even if it is your 401 k.

The money you invest needs to have a clear goal in order to have a successful outcome. If you don't understand the stock market or financial investing, you are bound to lose your money quickly. The reality is, real estate is still the best investment you can make. Value may drop but unless you are selling the property, there is no loss to you. The trick is to use the Mortgage Free for Life system.

How Are You Rewarded When You Have No Mortgage But Own Your Home Free And Clear?

Why would you want to hang on to that large monthly payment if you didn't have to? Outright ownership means no more mortgage and loads of money in your pocket. Using Mortgage Free for Life can speed up the process.

Spending more of your paycheck each month on your mortgage is one way of paying off your mortgage faster.

Are you in a fortunate situation where you are able to consistently pay more towards your mortgage principal each month?

Are you in a position right now to spend more money each month to pay off your mortgage?

Dont forget that though you want to pay off your mortgage faster it makes financial sense to have a balanced portfolio and invest at the same time

Wise investments can produce great returns over the long run and can provide a better return than paying off your mortgage. But do you know you can actually pay off your mortgage faster without spending more or changing your lifestyle and reap the rewards of being mortgage free for life?

Eliminate Your Home Loan Not Your Extra Savings

Paying off your mortgage in under half the time is easily achieved by using the mortgage free for life system.

If you take a look at your mortgage schedule at closing you will easily find out that your mortgage payments is heavily weighted towards interest payments upfront. If you pay a mortgage payment of $1200 a month $1,100 could go to interest and $100 towards mortgage principal.

Using a mortgage acceleration system like Mortgage Freedom for life, you could easily save thousands in interest rather than paying this to the bank. And you can slash your mortgage, and pay this in record time.

If you want to find out how to slash years of your mortgage early without spending more or changing your lifestyle, the best way is to enter your information directly into a mortgage acceleration calculator. Sometimes we may feel that refinancing is a good option to pay off your mortgage faster, especially when the rates have dropped. You refinance to a lower rate thinking that the extra cash savings will be applied to paying your mortgage faster. This rarely happens. In some cases you could be worse off with refinance fees and longer time it takes to pay off your mortgage.

How To Take Back Control Over Your Mortgage Debt

One reason to pay off your mortgage would be to use the equity in your home to pay for your kids college education.

Another way could be to use the equity in your home to buy an investment property. Imagine having the ability to fund a deposit on an investment property, and earn a steady stream of cash flow for life.

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Make Good Use of a Retirement Planning Calculator

By William Blake

Retirement should be free of schedules, pressures and other worries, but individuals looking for a great retirement should start planning very early. A good retirement planning calculator can be very helpful in making the proper plans for a successful, enjoyable retirement. A retirement planning calculator can help people decide how much money they should save, invest or spend in order to have a successful retirement.

It is important to begin planning for your retirement early in your career. A Retirement planning calculator can be utilized and if followed can really help one prepare for the future. No one wants to be forced to stay in the workforce and put off their retirement because of poor planning. A retirement planning calculator can help.

Where can you find this useful tool? You can find them online possibly on your bank's website or other financial institutions. You can also visit your bank or as the human resources representative at your place of employment to see if they can provide one for you.

People can visit the sites and work online to insert information into the retirement planning calculator. These tools then provide facts on different scenarios for a great retirement. The retirement planning calculator is a tool, but the potential retiree must supply relevant information in order to make the best use of this great device.

A Retirement Planning Calculator Provides Figures For The Future

So many things change when you retire. Your job will no longer dictate certain aspects of your life. If you chose your current home because of a job opportunity retirement will afford you the opportunity to relocate to a preferred area. These new choices and changes will create new financial decisions and circumstances.

Also during years in the workforce we generally have to consider our family and their needs. It is important to live in an area where your children can get a good education. However, once the children have grown up and have home and families of their own that is no longer something you need to be concerned about. Again, this offers opportunities for you to expand your horizons a bit and base your decisions what is best for you financially and otherwise.

People also need to consider their healthcare costs after retirement. Many people get their health insurance from their employment. After a certain age, people will get their healthcare insurance from the government. If people want to retire before they are eligible for government healthcare benefits, they might have to factor in additional healthcare costs. All of these factors could be considered with a good retirement planning calculator. Careful planning with one of these special devices could make for a truly delightful retirement.

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Retirement Planning Calculators Are Useful Tools

By William Blake

Calculating your necessities during retirement can be much easier with a retirement planning calculator. It can help you determine how much money you will need each month of your retirement years. Then you will be able to plan accordingly when preparing for retirement. That means that once you reach retirement age you will not be worrying about whether you have enough money to care for your needs and maintain your standard of living.

It is important to begin planning for your retirement early in your career. A Retirement planning calculator can be utilized and if followed can really help one prepare for the future. No one wants to be forced to stay in the workforce and put off their retirement because of poor planning. A retirement planning calculator can help.

A retirement planning calculator is often available from the human resources department of some companies, and other retirement planning calculators are available from banks and other financial institutions. These retirement planning calculators can often be accessed on the websites of these institutions.

Of course the retirement planning calculator will only be useful if the information entered is accurate. Also, once the information is entered the direction given by the retirement planning calculator must be followed in order to maximize your savings for retirement. So once you locate your retirement planning calculator you must give some serious thought to how you will use it.

Anticipating the Cost of Your Retirement Years

So many things change when you retire. Your job will no longer dictate certain aspects of your life. If you chose your current home because of a job opportunity retirement will afford you the opportunity to relocate to a preferred area. These new choices and changes will create new financial decisions and circumstances.

Also during years in the workforce we generally have to consider our family and their needs. It is important to live in an area where your children can get a good education. However, once the children have grown up and have home and families of their own that is no longer something you need to be concerned about. Again, this offers opportunities for you to expand your horizons a bit and base your decisions what is best for you financially and otherwise.

A retirement planning calculator will help you factor in the cost of health insurance during your retirement. If you are in a financial position to take an early retirement but you have not yet reached the age where you are eligible for Medicare you will need to consider how you will pay for the health insurance you need during the interim.

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Retirement Planning Calculators Are Useful Tools

By William Blake

Calculating your necessities during retirement can be much easier with a retirement planning calculator. It can help you determine how much money you will need each month of your retirement years. Then you will be able to plan accordingly when preparing for retirement. That means that once you reach retirement age you will not be worrying about whether you have enough money to care for your needs and maintain your standard of living.

It is important to begin planning for your retirement early in your career. A Retirement planning calculator can be utilized and if followed can really help one prepare for the future. No one wants to be forced to stay in the workforce and put off their retirement because of poor planning. A retirement planning calculator can help.

Where can you find this useful tool? You can find them online possibly on your bank's website or other financial institutions. You can also visit your bank or as the human resources representative at your place of employment to see if they can provide one for you.

People can visit the sites and work online to insert information into the retirement planning calculator. These tools then provide facts on different scenarios for a great retirement. The retirement planning calculator is a tool, but the potential retiree must supply relevant information in order to make the best use of this great device.

A Retirement Planning Calculator Provides Figures For The Future

So many things change when you retire. Your job will no longer dictate certain aspects of your life. If you chose your current home because of a job opportunity retirement will afford you the opportunity to relocate to a preferred area. These new choices and changes will create new financial decisions and circumstances.

Also during years in the workforce we generally have to consider our family and their needs. It is important to live in an area where your children can get a good education. However, once the children have grown up and have home and families of their own that is no longer something you need to be concerned about. Again, this offers opportunities for you to expand your horizons a bit and base your decisions what is best for you financially and otherwise.

A retirement planning calculator will help you factor in the cost of health insurance during your retirement. If you are in a financial position to take an early retirement but you have not yet reached the age where you are eligible for Medicare you will need to consider how you will pay for the health insurance you need during the interim.

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Keeping Your Cell Phone Bill Under Control

By Melanie Pratt

Is there anyone who can confidently say that not once have they received a cell phone bill and said to themselves "What? I didn't sign for THIS!"? I do believe most of us have been in this situation at least once. What's worse, while sometimes you can sort of see it coming, other times you're totally blindsided. The goal of this article is to help you keep your bill in check. Here's what to look out for.

1. Going over your allotted quota. This is the major culprit. If you get your bill and it's uncharacteristically high, most of the time it's because you went over your limit whether in minutes, text messages, or Internet use or a combination of those. The problem with going over your limit is that the charges are ridiculously high compared to what your rate is for the services within your limit. Fortunately, you bill will not bundle everything together: you will get the detail what you went over on and you will be able to see exactly what your overage charges are.

How to take control of this: move to a higher tier minutes plan and/or sign up for unlimited text/Internet. At first this piece of advice might sound counter-intuitive, but there's no doubt that, unless you move to a plan that's considerably higher than what you currently have, going over will cost you more than the new plan. If you don't want to (or can't afford to) move to a more expensive plan, then track how much you're using your included cell phone services. If you realize there's a risk of you going over, exercise some self-control and stop using that service. It's not easy, but it's not complicated.

2. Third Party Subscriptions. There seems to be no way of getting rid of the companies that sell those subscriptions, no matter how many complaints and lawsuits are filed against them. Their subscriptions services offer anything from a "free ringtone of the month" to a "horoscope of the day" to a "sexy wallpaper picture of the day". In theory, the only ways to subscribe to those services is to send them a text to a number they give you, or to log on to their website and enter your cell phone number there. Of course, if it were always like that, things would be simple; the problem is that they have a tendency to appear out of nowhere on customers' bills. In the end, pay close attention to the "direct bill" portion of your bill because that's where you'll be able to eventually spot them.

AT&T settled a class action suit involving those mysterious subscriptions. They are now under the obligation of notifying their customers by text message to ask if they want to have the subscription added to their account. If the customer doesn't reply, then the subscription can't be added. Other carriers should take this as an example.

3. One-time fees. The final cause for a higher than usual bill is those fees that typically are a one-time affair. such as activation (or re-activation) fees, upgrade fees, or non-payment fees. Cell phone companies (and utilities companies for that matter) do not miss the opportunity to charge a hefty re-activation fee in order to get service turned back on after the account has been suspended because of a past due bill that the customer failed to pay for. Those fees will rarely ever get waived or credited back to your account, but you can ask for discounts. Ask about discounts or waived fees for employees of the company you work for. You can also wing it and try and ask nicely to have the fee waived/credited back. This will be a lot easier if you've been a customer for a few years and have a good record of paying your bill on time.

Strategy. Analyze your personal habits to come up with your very own money-saving solution. If you do the bulk of your talking in the early evening, consider paying a couple dollars more for early night and weekend minutes. If you're home a lot and have high speed internet, sign up for a Voice Over IP phone service, there are plenty of them from phone companies, cable companies, cell phone companies (T-Mobile @ Home), specific providers (Vonage, Skype, MagicJack); this can save you a lot of minutes. And like I said before, you should never be ashamed of asking for a discount: student discount, senior discount, employee discount, business discount. It all helps shave a few dollars off that bill.

In case the bill is really high or you're really in a bind, there's always the option of calling customer service and making payment arrangements with the company. Just like I mentioned earlier, if you're a good customer, they will try and work out something with you. As you can see, with a little research, and with some discipline thrown in for good measure, you can definitely find more than one way to lower your phone bill.

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Attacking the Root Cause of your Credit Card Debt

By Paul J. Easton

The subject of credit card debt is very popular nowadays because it affects everybody. What we don't know however is that our credit card debt is just a part of our excess baggage in life. It is a manifestation of our irresponsible financial management and, perhaps, the output of our not so good personal relationship with our own selves.

When you think about it, you have easy access to credit with your cards. It is easy to get away with it and before you know it, you already amassed an extremely difficult amount of debt to get rid of. If you not still aware of the situation, you are probably so nave that taking more steps would lead you to your financial ruin. Without a question, help is needed and the time to take action is now. Get rid of your credit card debt now but how? Get rid of your debt now with these methods on how to get rid of debt here.

The simple answer is being conscious of your spending habits. Pay your due every time with twice the minimum payment. And be on time. This should be done without any more excuses.

So how can I be conscious with my spending? That is where the simple concept of budgeting will help you. Spending without a plan is simply spending your way to financial hell. So write things down and keep that budget every time you buy something.

Many people would say that they don't have the time to work on a budget. The truth is that you should have no time not to make a budget!

The budget is your best friend at this time of financial crisis. Don't worry because everybody is doing it now and that might probably be good news to you. Create a budget periodically say every month. Your budget is fundamentally just a plan to guide with your spending habits. A budget serves as a way for you to limit yourself on the things that you truly need. It keeps you focused on spending on the things you have a purpose.

Few people follow their set budgets though. This is for the reason that they view their budgets as a constricting factor in their lives. A budget seems to enslave them with their rights to have some comforts in life.

However, here is an insight that might get you inspired. Some people who disciplined themselves and controlled their habits with money by following the principle of only spending with intentions have actually experienced more freedom with their lives. By taking control of their lives, they saved a lot of money and became debt-free. Now, that's the real freedom. So stick with your budget and get out of that debt cycle very soon.

For valuable tips on how to get rid of debt, go to by Paul J. Easton.

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Is Investing For You?

By M Taylor

In our uncertain economic climate, investing seems like an even better option to save up for your retirement.

Everyone wants to make sure that they will have financial security in their retirement; and social security and retirement plans may end up leaving them in the lurch ultimately. Investing is one way to insulate yourself from the unknown developments that the future may hold.

Perhaps you have been setting money aside for years in a low interest savings account. You'd like to see that money grow much faster. Maybe you've come into some money and would like to have that money grow too - in either case, investing is the way.

Investing lets you make the money you need to make your goals a reality. Whether it's a new home, a college education for your child or the good life for yourself, investing is the way to go - your individual investment strategy all depends on your goals.

If you need to make a lot of money in a short amount of time, you can opt for high risk investments. While there is a significant degree of risk involved, you can make a lot of money very fast this way. If you're saving for a long term objective like your retirement, you should go for safer, long term investments instead.

The whole idea of making investments is to increase your financial security over a long time. Remember that someday, you'll have to stop working; but your bills won't stop showing up in your mailbox once you leave the work force.

The social security system may or may not be there for you when you retire, so it is best not to count on it. As we saw in the instance of Enron, you may not be able to depend on your company retirement plan either - this is why investing is the way to go to make sure that you will be provided for in your retirement. Good luck and invest wisely!

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Credit Repair Trouble And Tips To Prevent Tradgedy

By Frank Froggatt

There are millions of people in the United States today fighting to manage with fouled credit rating. If you are among them, and have been looking for ways to improve your credit rating, the ensuing information could turn up beneficial to you.

The first and foremost matter to recognize is that it is crucial to know where you are with your credit rating. You can get one complimentary credit report every year. Use your credit rating report to discover what is making your credit score bad. You should likewise look for any faults that have been created and have them repaired.

Be sure that whatsoever debts you have paid off are mirrored on your credit report. For some cause many companies don't report that final payment, so your credit report looks as though you still owe money on an account that has been paid off in full.

You should be aware that each time your credit report gets viewed by a creditor, it shows. Various inquiries will harm your credit and shrink your score. Be exceedingly particular about who you allow to pull your credit report.

Collecting companies can do terrible damage to one's credit rating. They oftentimes name the identical past due accounts repeatedly making it seem like you've neglected a lot of business relationships when it is genuinely just one.

You should ne'er attempt to pay off an older delinquent balance before applying for a mortgage. Executing this will make it an up to date collection which will in reality hurt your credit score right away.

The balance you hold on credit cards can sustain it's effect against your credit score too. Really lofty balances and maxed out accounts reduce your score significantly. Even if you incessantly produce the requitals on time. Consistently utilizing just half your available balance will help heighten your score.

Credit scores are likewise touched by how long you've possessed a personal credit line. State for instance you received a charge card in college. If you still possess that seasoned card and have consistently paid it, this helps your credit rating. The opposite applies right as well. Fresh credit cards, recent loans, and such have a damaging impact on credit scores until adequate payments have been given to constitute that you are responsible about paying.

So to fix your credit the starting measure is to see your credit report, noting any mistakes or identical accounting so you can get them removed. Remember neglecting the problem will not make it leave. The initial step is forever action. Inactiveness will get you nowhere.

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Do You Really Need Credit And Loan Credit Repair

By Lee A Beattie

Bad Credit Loans are fundamentally debt consolidation loans with higher interest rates that can be exploited for many functions. For Instance, if you possess few unpaid debts, individuals with bad credit can apply them for debt consolidation, which is relatively less complicated to manage because debt consolidation unremarkably furnishes a lower interest rate . Bad credit becomes an issue, when you need to make up a major buy that would take on acquiring a mortgage loan, auto loan or personal loan. When you apply for a loan or a line of credit, the creditor with whom you are applying for a loan, directly draws your credit history file.

Bad credit repair program is a great timesaver. You can surely repair bad credit yourself without a credit repair software application to test and determine your online history, simply really bad credit will call for many a credit repair letters and tiresome days and weeks to optimize, wheras a software program can automate the work substantially without the risk of misplacing anything in the mail. You can have bad credit wiped off lawfully. And this really helps out hugely because identity theft is seemly more mainstream and this type of software forbids you from missing anything in the mail service.

Credit repair counseling can be used in many directions; to prevent debt, to get out of debt, and to stay out of debt. When employing credit repair advice to prevent debt, it is significant that an individual see the difference between applying their credit options a healthy way, and taking advantage of lending proposed to them. Financial decisions are personal, dependent on an individual's state of affairs. Consult with a financial counselor before making any financial decisions to see if they will read you the free credit reports they will use to help.

And numerous times masses have to apply for bad credit personal loans or perchance bad credit auto loans depending on the interest rate given to you prior to receiving that new car when you can't make those unworldly payments.

Consumer reporting companies must look into the items in question - unremarkably within 30 days - unless they interpret your dispute superficial. They must also forward all the applicable information you supply about the inaccuracy to the organization that supplied the information. Consumer Credit Counseling Service provides budget counseling, educational programs, debt management assistance and housing counseling. On That Point are also many a local branches of this nonprofit organization, so look into for one near your location.

Consumers with less-than-perfect credit ratings may be enticed to employ the aid of a company assuring to "straighten out" or "erase" bad credit. Credit repair companies can do nothing for you that you cannot manage for yourself for free, and they may charge you hundreds of dollars to arrange it.

Debt consolidation can represent the better option if you are having financial troubles. Invariably keep in mind that debt expirations do change, as well as judgments position. If you possess delinquencies and charge-offs that are affectng your credit scores, credit and loan credit repair could be an option taken when talking to credit debt counselor during your bad credit counseling sitting.

Lenders are more unwilling these days to extend student loans to an individual who has a bad credit history. Therefore if your credit score is below 600 and you're desiring to obtain a loan for schooling, you might wish to check a credit repair service . Lenders will employ this info to verify if you are acceptable for a loan or line of credit. When they discover this "bad" information, they will most likely bill you a higher interest rate or worse, turn you down completely.

Ask the credit reporting agency for a dispute form or submit your dispute in writing via a credit repair letter, along with any supporting documentation. Also make certain to not send them original papers , make a copy of that document and send it with credit repair letter. Ask your creditors to report the debt as paid to the credit agencies directly so this can reflect on all of your credit reports. You can also fax or send a copy of the debt settlement letters to the credit agencies yourself so they can update your credit history faster which presents you a huge relief.

Bettering poor credit can equal a long and hard process. If you have sputtered through a point of financial difficulty, or even filed for bankruptcy, your ability to acquire credit may be compromised long after you have gotten back on your feet and back to good credit. Amending your financial situation will have a positive affect on each aspects of your life.

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Make Good Use of a Retirement Planning Calculator

By William Blake

Calculating your necessities during retirement can be much easier with a retirement planning calculator. It can help you determine how much money you will need each month of your retirement years. Then you will be able to plan accordingly when preparing for retirement. That means that once you reach retirement age you will not be worrying about whether you have enough money to care for your needs and maintain your standard of living.

It is important to begin planning for your retirement early in your career. A Retirement planning calculator can be utilized and if followed can really help one prepare for the future. No one wants to be forced to stay in the workforce and put off their retirement because of poor planning. A retirement planning calculator can help.

Where can you find this useful tool? You can find them online possibly on your bank's website or other financial institutions. You can also visit your bank or as the human resources representative at your place of employment to see if they can provide one for you.

People can visit the sites and work online to insert information into the retirement planning calculator. These tools then provide facts on different scenarios for a great retirement. The retirement planning calculator is a tool, but the potential retiree must supply relevant information in order to make the best use of this great device.

A Retirement Planning Calculator Provides Figures For The Future

There are so many factors that should be considered when planning for retirement. People need to decide where they want to live when they do not have to hold down a permanent job any more. Many people choose the location of their home based on their job. After retirement, the possible places to live increase considerably. People can choose the location of their home based on the weather, the taxes or the services available.

Some of these decisions could make a substantial difference in the funds available for retirement living. While working and raising a family, people have to consider schools for their children, and they usually have to pay taxes for good schools. After raising their family, they no longer need a community with great schools so they might avoid high property taxes.

People also need to consider their healthcare costs after retirement. Many people get their health insurance from their employment. After a certain age, people will get their healthcare insurance from the government. If people want to retire before they are eligible for government healthcare benefits, they might have to factor in additional healthcare costs. All of these factors could be considered with a good retirement planning calculator. Careful planning with one of these special devices could make for a truly delightful retirement.

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Vital Information with your Financial Advisor

By Paul J. Easton

Looking for a financial advisor? These different qualities should be searched for in your prospect financial advisor. These qualities, if given a good effort to look for, will not only avoid you a lot of stress in the future but can also be a precious move you will treasure.

Financial advisors must have both education and experience. With proper education, your advisor is equipped with the required knowledge in today's most sophisticated global financial system. Experience gives your financial advisor the confidence of negotiating with the best deals and the solid network which can be attained with a great track record. And only with experience will your financial advisor be working with people with better respect and trust.

A seasoned financial adviser usually has extensive knowledge of budgeting and forecasting. In addition to that, a good knowledge of taxation, asset allocation and latest financial tools and products will definitely be an edge. These are great help in establishing with you realistic goals and the strategy for your investments.

Their main function is to assess the performances of prospect companies that you are interested to invest in. Financial advisors, with a good network in the financials sector, can work with analysts. Financial analysts analyze company financial statements and can provide you with valuable information for your investment requirements One of the most critical criteria in finding a financial advisor is the communication aspect. From the very beginning, you must know how much your advisor is willing to get to know you. By interviewing them from the start, you will begin to notice his willingness with this aspect.

Personal touch is very important in building a professional relationship so better spend some time with your advisor face to face. Communicate your preferences in your finances and tell your plans for the future. This experience with your financial advisor will be much more enjoyable if this aspect is given attention. Especially at these bad economic times, you have to emphasize this aspect as this can be very crucial.

To recapitulate, find out the level of education, the history and experience of your prospect financial advisor. Spend ample time with your advisor to assess their communication skills by conducting a personal interview. Find a match by finding an expert with your financial preferences. With due diligence learning these vital information with your advisor, you are on your way to creating a good start of a harmonious financial relationship.

For more information on financial directory, get FREE Articles Tips at Get debt-free today with tips on how to get rid of debt here.

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Fail Safe Investment Strategy for an Obama Presidency

By Charles L. Stanley CFP ChFC AIF

Whether you are an Obama fan or an Obama opponent, since he has become our newest President of the United States his policies will have an affect on the financial markets, both domestically and internationally. He wants to bring change to the United States which by extension means world markets because we have such a huge economic foot print.

How do you need to think regarding your investment portfolio - both taxable and retirement accounts - now that we will have new policies under President Obama?

1. Taxes Matter: We don't yet know the details of how he will handle taxes on dividend income and capital gains. It is clear that at least some of the investing population will see an increase in taxes on those forms of investment returns. If you pay a 20% rate on capital gains that means you will have 20% less money being reinvested to grow and get the affect of compounding. Dividend rates could go up as high as 35% and that will really kill the benefit of dividend paying stocks. So, one can use tax free bonds for at least a portion of the fixed income portion of a portfolio. Second, you should make sure you are having your investment advisor use tax management in the investment and management of your portfolio. Tax managed passive mutual funds have an extremely low tax impact.

2. Capital Markets Work: There will be those gurus who will tell you they know which sectors or industries will boom under Obama and which will tank. Academic studies have shown over and over again that such attempts to combine stock picking with a market timing element almost never outperform the broad market (in fact they generally under perform) and when they do it is usually nothing more than luck and is thus not repeatable. Markets are essentially efficient and any attempt to regulate trade or change tax policy will end up being priced into the securities as soon as the information hits the wires.

3. Diversification increases your success rate: The way to consistently win the investing game, whether under an Obama Presidency or not, is to hold long term very broad globally diversified, low cost, asset class mutual funds. Risk is really the uncertainty about the future returns of your portfolio. Diversification reduces uncertainty. If you have a mutual fund that has about 3500 names in it, and it happens to contain a Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers, it will hardly create a ripple to your portfolio as they go out of existence. Don't be caught with concentrated portfolio mutual funds or separately managed accounts. They contain a great deal of "non-systematic" risk that you can diversify away. Reduce your uncertainty with diversification.

4. Risk level and Return level are inseparable: Over longer time periods, stocks outperform bonds, but not in all time periods. Over longer time periods, bonds outperform cash, but not in all time periods. It is also true that small stocks, over time, outperform large stocks, but not in all time periods - and over time Value stocks outperform Growth stocks, but not in all time periods. To obtain the higher long term returns one must accept the higher risk of higher performing asset classes.

5. Portfolio Performance is determined by Portfolio Structure: Asset allocation (choosing how much of a portfolio to commit to what asset class) along equity market exposure, value and size dimensions primarily determine the performance over time of a broadly diversified portfolio. Stated another way, under an Obama Presidency - or any Presidency for that matter - own low cost, globally diversified asset class mutual funds that are more heavily weighted to smaller and more value oriented stocks. You are exposing yourself to higher performing asset classes but are protecting yourself from uncertainty through broad diversification. If an all stock portfolio is too volatile for you, add some short term high quality bonds to reduce the volatility. Of course, it will also reduce your expected return.

In order to win the loser's game, follow academically sound investment principles will allow you to win during an Obama Presidency. Don't give in to the Wall Street marketing gurus who have proven just how effective they are at separating you from your money, quickly and permanently. Can anybody say, Bernie Madoff?

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Personal Finances in Trouble? Consider These Options

By Daniel Atolben

Are you deep in debt and looking for a way out? Are you living paycheck to paycheck, paying bills late and barely scraping by? Managing your personal finances can be tough and there are many people in your same situation. There are some things you can do to help relieve your financial stress.

First off, you should try to repay your debts as you have agreed to. Work out a budget, limit your spending and as you pay off your credit cards, don't spend on them. If you've maintained good credit then see if you can ask for a lower interest rate or transfer your balance to another credit card that has a lower interest rate. Some may offer you a limited time at a low or zero interest which may be what you need to get ahead of your payments.

Look at ways to increase your income. Think about taking up a temporary job to supplement your income. Consider downsizing your lifestyle so you can have more spending money. If you're making payments on your car, then think about selling it and buy a used, dependable one. Think about getting a roommate or moving to a smaller apartment. If you can generate just a few hundred dollars a month then you can bring down your debt in no time.

Getting a debt consolidation loan is an option that is attractive even if you're not in financial peril. This type of loan will pay off your other debts, offer you a lower average interest rate and give you one monthly bill. A debt or credit consolidation loan can be fairly easy to get if you have equity in your home and have a decent credit history.

Another, less desirable option is debt negotiation. With debt negotiation, you or a third party negotiates with your lenders for a lower interest rate, extended payments, and/or lower monthly payments. By doing this, you can afford your monthly bills and you'll have fewer worries. This comes at a price, however. Your credit cards will be frozen until your debt is clear and your credit report will be adversely affected.

There are debt negotiation services available to help you. They usually charge you a monthly service fee but they can help you get your debt under control. They advertise in the phonebook and on the internet. Be wary of ones that sound too good to be true. No one can just erase debt with no repayment unless it's through bankruptcy.

If you don't know the best option for your financial situation then get help from a credit counseling service in your area. They are usually non-profit or not-for-profit so their fees are nominal and they offer you a free consultation. Not only will they help negotiate debt settlement but they can also help you plan out a budget. You can soon be on your way to relieving debt and ending your financial burdens.

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Why Need a Financial Consultant?

By Paul J. Easton

Many people choose to hire a financial consultant to relieve themselves with several personal financial issues. Some people though choose their consultants haphazardly the way they choose their plumbers. Without due diligence, most people hire the nearest and most available financial consultant in town. But this decision is far more important than just choosing your plumber because this concerns your financial future.

First and foremost, decide what your financial consultant's role in your life. With a clear picture in mind, it is time to find some leads in your search for the best financial consultant for your needs.

Always make sure you only deal with the certified consultants and better check their credentials. If everything seems to look good, schedule a personal interview to meet your financial consultant.

A personal financial consultant is a practicing professional who can provide you with assistance and professional financial advice. A financial consultant may advise on the overall management of your financial portfolio. Consultants are usually retained for a set period of time. In this period, financial consultants will investigate your financial situation and your current lifestyle and produce a report detailing their recommendations including some aspects for improvements.

With different financial needs at each stage of life, clients need different financial consultants specializing with various financial instruments. A married couple expecting their first child has different financial goals than a married couple in their retirement age. With these demands for various financial instruments, you certainly must find a match with your financial consultant. Find the time to fill the need for a financial consultant with experience in your areas of interest.

After you have identified a few short-listed prospects, you need to delve deeper into their qualifications and designations. Find out if they are certified. Eliminate immediately those without any certifications.

There are actually more than fifty different certifications in the field of financial planning and consulting. Only trust the internationally recognized designations. The most respected is the Certified Financial Planner designation. Take a closer look at the financial consultant's work records and career history. Lastly, check for possible disciplinary actions in the past. You'll be glad you did this background check later.

Never hire a financial consultant without meeting them personally. With just a small effort of knowing them personally, you build loyalty and personal relationship. It is completely essential that you get to know them face to face.

For more information on financial directory, get FREE Articles Tips at Get debt-free today with tips on how to get rid of debt here.

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Make money online

By reklicom

The BIG MONEY was still available and could be made by everyone, with very little investment. Not one person is excluded! That means YOU can make the big money, too!The BIG MONEY to be made, and again, I am repeating here, it can be made by everyone, and requires very little up front money, is (drum roll),

Let's reverse engineer this process. As somebody looking to start a home business, you've done one of two things. You've either bought some ebook to show you how to do it or you joined some program that promised to teach you. Either way, take a look at the book or the program. See what the creator did? See how he structured his book? See how he designed his site? See all the work that went into each and how it was done? Of course you do. There is nothing that is hidden. How can it be? If it was, there'd be no site or book.

Okay, let's reverse engineer some more. How did you get to this ebook or site? You saw an ad. Great! Did you read the ad or sales page? Of course you did. Did you see how it was constructed? Did you see the guarantee and the offer and everything else that went into the creation of the ad in order to make it one that brought in sales? Hey, it worked on you so why wouldn't it work on others? Point is, all the copywriting secrets in the world are right in front of you. All you have to do is read the sales pages and study them.

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The business will give you all the training needed and show you how to be successful. Even if you fail and give up where 100's of 1,000's have succeeded, the small amount of money invested can be used as a tax deduction but please check with an accountant or lawyer as I am nether.

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The wealthy dwell in an abundance consciousness. Every thought we have falls into one of two streams of energy - enough or not enough. If you think there is enough, then you will THRIVE AT ALL TIMES. If you think there is a limited supply than you will have to participate in the gloom and doom that the media is peddling. The choice is yours.

You see, the same amount of money is in the world today as it was yesterday, or the day before, or the year before. It just changed hands.The world shifts and the businesses that did good a year ago may not be able to do things the same way this year. We have to intuitively tune in to the guidance mechanism within our heart. We have to stay CONNECTED to the Source of infinite knowledge. When the world shifts, we have to shift with it.

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Financial Consultant for your Retirement

By Paul J. Easton

If you are looking to find a professional to talk with to sort out your retirement planning, then getting a financial retirement consultant is the best and most reliable option. You want to ensure that your investments will work for you and that these financial moves will serve as vehicles to help you get to where you want to be.

If you are looking for the retirement financial consultant to help you out with your investments, this might be the article worth reading. Personal financial consultants are the best source of financial information to guide you with your investments. They usually assess your financial needs. Consultants will use their knowledge of investments and financial deals and most likely recommend financial options to your specific needs. They help you formulate a written plan with short- and long-term goals.

In this specific case, your financial consultants help you with retirement planning and other general investment choices. Some of them may even provide tax advices or recommend life insurances for various purposes. Just look for a consultant who specializes in areas such as retirement, estate planning, and risk management at the beginning so that he or she is familiar with your needs.

As far as financial services are concerned, the best clients are the informed ones. Finding a consultant is like finding a mentor and learning from the lessons provided. So even if you are at your retirement age, you can still grow and learn while making money at the same time. You will only be more successful with your investments if you are more aware of them.

Set some limitations with your financial consultant especially when already in retirement. Be clear with your appetite for risks. You must understand the various financial instruments and let your consultant advise you whether those are high risk or low risk investments. Monitor how well the different strategies work and know which investments you wish to pursue in the long run. You get to decide on these things after hiring your financial consultant after six months or so.

As a tip, hire a consultant you are much comfortable with in the beginning. Communicate always and learn from every your conversation with your retirement consultant. By developing a good professional relationship, you will find that a retirement financial consultant will be more valuable to you. After that, you would have realized that you are very lucky you had found a valuable tool in the form of your financial consultant. It is a good thing to always prepare for your future.

For more information on financial directory, get FREE Articles Tips at Get debt-free today with tips on how to get rid of debt here.

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Financial Consultancy Service Basics before Hiring One

By Paul J. Easton

You could be one of those who make the mistake of choosing your financial consultant like choosing randomly food you eat on your favorite fast food. What you really don't know can hurt you. Financial consultancy is a big obligation for the professional's end but bigger for your part. We are talking about your financial future and if you are one of those who suffer from this ignorance, read further this article.

Finding the service of your first consultant can be intimidating because you basically don't know where to start. Some people just go with the most convenient and find the most available. But this decision is far more important than just choosing someone to trim or garden. You even have to begin realizing what you really want with your future and what your financial consultant will do for you. Just the general thought or idea would suffice. Your financial consultant will likely add more in-depth solution to your problems once he listens to your story.

Start looking for financial services from a financial directory. Start calling them and ask for the names of financial consultants available. Ask your family if they know one as well. When you already find three to five consultants, try to compare their credentials. If their track records look good, schedule an interview with them to get to know them personally.

You have a set of goals already visualized and you have a set of needs at this stage of life. Your needs might be different from the needs of a couple having their first child or a friend approaching his retirement. You just need a financial consultant with the necessary experience in the areas of interest you prefer.

Before you go to the interview, identify your prospects' key expertise. You have to dig a little further into their qualifications for more information. Check if they are certified. As much as fifty different certifications abound the financial consultancy field. The most respected in this field is the Certified Financial Planner designation.

From your prospects, find the one among them who has this certification. With this certification, you just have to give them priority because they are definitely brilliant in their field. This gives you more confidence with the financial consultancy you are looking forward to.

Take a look at this certified consultant's work history. Does the experience match your preferences? If so, then that's a good choice. A word of caution, though, investigate for possible disciplinary actions in the past, this will save you from committing a big mistake before hiring this service.

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Get Out of Debt Fast Today!

By Paul J. Easton

Decide now to get rid of your credit card debt. Why now? This is because prolonging it only will cost you more money in the long term. Count all the money you spare each month for your credit card payments. Just think about what you could probably spend with this money if you were not paying the bills with the credit card company.

After convincing yourself, the first step in this very arduous process is to come up with a written plan for systematically reducing your debt. Get rid of all of your existing cards except one to avoid the temptation. Using them accumulates even more debt and more problems for you. Cut up the rest of the cards or put them in a place where you cannot have access for now.

Pay much more than the minimum every due date. You should be very reluctant in paying only the minimum on your credit cards because this only benefits the credit card company in the long run. After all, if you can't manage to pay for more than the minimum balance every time, it is a strong indication that you are spending on something you can't afford in the first place. By paying more than the minimum, you reduce how much you pay for interests every time. In addition, you deduct the principal thereby gradually turning the balance down. Following this process continuously will make you debt-free much sooner than paying only the minimum.

One method to get out of debt faster is by avoiding the card with the highest interest rates and transferring the balance to a card with a better rate. After the balance transfer, focus all your energy by paying off that card as soon as you can.

As an advice, you can also try talking with your credit card lenders. Ask for any hardship terms they can offer with you. Some larger credit card lenders have programs which help cardholders pay off their accounts at a much reduced rate. Just ask for those deals because they don't promote it very willingly at times. Just make a good record by adhering to the terms closely because these schemes are strict. In most cases, if you make one missed payment, they will drop you off the program and all interest and fees will carry on the account.

By now, you are pretty convinced and will soon be making the decision to deal with your credit card debt finally. Working towards your goals consistently, you will definitely see the light at the end of the tunnel in due time.

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Hiring your First Financial Consultant with Trust

By Paul J. Easton

Everyone has different financial needs at different stages in their lives. These different stages require different financial needs too. Get started with your investments as early ijn life as possible. Look for your first financial consultant. When looking for a financial consultant, always find a consultant that matches your area of interest.

Personally, I don't recommend hiring your first financial consultant without meeting him or her. Although it may take some time from your part, it is absolutely necessary to get to know your financial consultant in a personal way, especially with your first one. According to a world-renowned investor Warren Buffett, it is always customary to ask oneself these three questions after meeting with a party or company to invest with. "Do I like their company? Can I trust them? Do I respect them?" These questions should be applied to hiring your financial consultant too.

Okay, so how can you find a person to trust? There is no perfect method because it is always up to the individual. Be on the lookout for these warning signs that will give you indications of a reputable financial consultant.

First thing you deal with your consultant is how they will be evaluated with their performance. Ask them some information from topics you researched on your financial objectives. Ask for their opinion to know how knowledgeable they are with their field. You only ask for information you have already an idea with. See if they tell you information misleading you along the way. This will be a good test to gauge their credibility.

Always clarify things in terms of the fees and the payment method. In addition to that, you just need to find a financial planner you are comfortable with. You are the client and you are in charge. Never go with the smoothest talking guy. Find a person who is warm and is willing to sit down with you and walk you through everything. This person will teach you with what is really going on later.

This is a process where you should be very keen with managing your expectations and finding the right person to fit the job. Since this will be one of the largest commitments you are going to undertake in your life, you have to simply take the time. Choosing the right financial consultant will take some of your time and effort. As one of the best moves for the future, play your cards well and get the best minds behind your investments. After finding this first consultant, develop a professional relationship, it will sure be worth it.

For more information on financial directory, get FREE Articles Tips at Get debt-free today with tips on how to get rid of debt here.

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Personal Finances in Trouble? Consider These Options

By Daniel Atolben

Are you deep in debt and looking for a way out? Are you living paycheck to paycheck, paying bills late and barely scraping by? Managing your personal finances can be tough and there are many people in your same situation. There are some things you can do to help relieve your financial stress.

First off, you should try to repay your debts as you have agreed to. Work out a budget, limit your spending and as you pay off your credit cards, don't spend on them. If you've maintained good credit then see if you can ask for a lower interest rate or transfer your balance to another credit card that has a lower interest rate. Some may offer you a limited time at a low or zero interest which may be what you need to get ahead of your payments.

Look at ways to increase your income. Think about taking up a temporary job to supplement your income. Consider downsizing your lifestyle so you can have more spending money. If you're making payments on your car, then think about selling it and buy a used, dependable one. Think about getting a roommate or moving to a smaller apartment. If you can generate just a few hundred dollars a month then you can bring down your debt in no time.

Getting a debt consolidation loan is an option that is attractive even if you're not in financial peril. This type of loan will pay off your other debts, offer you a lower average interest rate and give you one monthly bill. A debt or credit consolidation loan can be fairly easy to get if you have equity in your home and have a decent credit history.

Another, less desirable option is debt negotiation. With debt negotiation, you or a third party negotiates with your lenders for a lower interest rate, extended payments, and/or lower monthly payments. By doing this, you can afford your monthly bills and you'll have fewer worries. This comes at a price, however. Your credit cards will be frozen until your debt is clear and your credit report will be adversely affected.

There are debt negotiation services available to help you. They usually charge you a monthly service fee but they can help you get your debt under control. They advertise in the phonebook and on the internet. Be wary of ones that sound too good to be true. No one can just erase debt with no repayment unless it's through bankruptcy.

If you don't know the best option for your financial situation then get help from a credit counseling service in your area. They are usually non-profit or not-for-profit so their fees are nominal and they offer you a free consultation. Not only will they help negotiate debt settlement but they can also help you plan out a budget. You can soon be on your way to relieving debt and ending your financial burdens.

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Do You Need Permanent Life Insurance?

By David C Lewis, RFA

Life insurance is necessary. However, most individuals do not carry enough of it. The idea behind life insurance is that we all die. If your spouse dies prematurely, a life insurance policy will make sure that there is enough income to make your family whole for the financial loss you've suffered. Pretty much every adviser agrees having life insurance is a good thing.

This is where the agreement between financial professionals ends abruptly, because the next question that arises is: OK, so what kind of life insurance should people buy? The debate between which is better - term or cash value/permanent life insurance - is seemingly a "never ending battle". For many various reasons, many investment houses, stock brokers, mutual fund managers (and the agents who sell their funds), as well as many popular financial "gurus" like Suze Orman, Ric Edleman, and Dave Ramsey presumably (according to their many published books and comments on national radio and television) hate whole life insurance.

Some financial advisors love cash value insurance, others hate it. Who's right? Who's wrong?

It is shocking that the financial industry is responsible for informing and educating the rest of society about saving and investing. I say shocking because many of the advisors that represent the industry seem to be less concerned with the truth, and more concerned about pitching products.

In truth, neither the insurance industry nor the investment industry is doing a very good job of defending their respective positions. Point Blank: Financial "gurus" are leaving out critical information. Either they do not have a very good grasp of how life insurance really works, or they are outright lying. Either scenario is totally unacceptable.

The motivation for lying can be as simple as "money". There is a lot of money floating around in the financial industry, and everyone is competing for it. So, while isn't anything wrong with demonstrating flaws in a financial product, it has to be done objectively. In regards to life insurance, it's not. The attacks are baseless and unsound, and most, if not all, of them are coming from very well known financial professionals. Here are a few of the misconceptions being passed around. Many of them have been repeated so many times, that most people think they are true (they aren't):

Lie Number One:

Cash value life insurance is a waste of money. It is the worst type of insurance you can buy. The BEST kind of insurance is term insurance because it's cheap. Insurance companies are shady and always try to take advantage of policyholders and cash value insurance is proof of that.

Fact: Term insurance can be the best type of insurance if all you are considering is the cost. But it is generally the worst type of insurance you can buy to insure your life if you want it to pay off, at least statistically speaking. To understand this, we need to understand how life insurance companies position their product line, and how they make money.

Insurance uses something called the Law of Large Numbers. Basically this is how it works: the larger the group of people you are insuring, the more certain you can be about the number of losses you will sustain.

Let's suppose you were to start an insurance company and you only had one customer - let's call him "Jim". You would be taking on an incredible risk by insuring just Jim. If Jim kicks the bucket, then you're on the hook for a lot of money that you may not have. You would be business very quickly (imagine: Jim gives you $20 for a $500,000 death benefit and then they die the very next day...where do you come up with $500K for Jim's family?). However, if you have thousands of customers just like Jim, then you have the unique ability to better control the risk you take by insuring Jim's life. No one can predict when Jim will die, but if you study a large enough group of people just like Jim, then you can begin to make very, very accurate predictions about the number of people just like Jim that will die in any given year. Given the accuracy of insurance companies in predicting deaths every year, what do their statistics tell us?

They say that that term insurance doesn't pay, since most individuals live until age 65. This is why I say permanent is a better deal. In the long-run, it's cheaper. I know, I know...there are probably a few of you saying "no way, it is always cheaper to buy term insurance". Oh yeah? Watch this:

Let's look at a male, age 25 and in good health with a wife and a child. In fact, let's call him Jim (again *cheesy grin*) finds that he needs life insurance He needs $250,000 in life insurance. A 30-year term policy should cost Jim about $370 per year until he reaches age fifty-five. After that, the premiums become unaffordable (as is the case with all term insurance) at $4,700 per year.

After 65, will have spent $58,780 in premiums. That's a lot! Also, remember that this is money that the insurance company collects and never has to give back. Since there's no cash value associated with term insurance, the insurance contract pays off only when he dies.

What would have happened if Jim had just purchased the same amount of death benefit but used a universal life insurance policy instead? His premiums would have been higher - about $145 per month or $1739 per year. At age 65, Jim has paid $69,560 ($1739 x 40) in premiums. That's a little more than the term insurance, but he also has $157,000 of cash value inside the policy.

That's $87,000 more than his premium payments for those 40 years. That's also money that can be used on a tax-free basis to help supplement retirement. This is called a living benefit, and a feature that term just doesn't offer. Some of the more competitive permanent policies also offer an option to spend down the death benefit if you become terminally ill. This can be helpful if you haven't accumulated a lot of money and something tragic happens to you and you don't die...or you don't want to spend down your savings.

Lie number two:

Cash value life insurance is overpriced. You can never tell how much money you are spending on death benefit and how much money is actually going into the cash value of the policy. With term insurance, the costs are clear.

Fact: Whole life insurance is not very transparent. So it is difficult to determine how much the death benefit is costing you. That bothers some people. That's OK. Just don't buy whole life insurance. Universal life insurance, on the other hand, is very transparent. That's because UL policies are a term policy with a separate savings account. You can easily determine the cost per thousand dollars of insurance, how much is going to pay the death benefit, and how much is going into the cash value of the policy. Cash value insurance seems expensive in comparison to term insurance (at least initially) because insurance contracts are front loaded as far as fees are concerned. That's a good thing...because the contract becomes cheaper over time. Unfortunately, the initial cost is really driven home by the anti-cash value life insurance crowd.

Be thankful that you pay some of the fees that you do. It makes saving and investing money a lot easier than having to fire a lawyer to negotiate every individual contract you sign. A life insurance contract can be set up to maximize the death benefit (maximizing the cost of the contract), or it can be set up to focus on cash accumulation (minimizing expense charges to .5% - 1% of the interest earned over the life of the policy). The expenses associated with a permanent life insurance contract can be made just as efficient and in some cases more so than what the antagonists suggest as an alternative - which is usually some type of mutual fund - without sacrificing the practicality of owning the contract. But again, why are the antagonists trying to compare the cost of insurance to an investment?

Over the long-term, you should get all of your money back that you put into a cash value policy with interest (note: the exception to this is variable life insurance which doesn't guarantee cash values). If the policy is structured properly, you can also be left with a sizable amount that can be drawn on in retirement.

Lie number three:

If you are smart with your money, pay off your mortgage and other loans, and put money into retirement plans you won't need insurance 30 years from now to protect your family.

Fact: You might need insurance to protect your children from a big tax burden. Even if you are "smart" with your money, you can't predict the future with absolute certainty. Some people alive today are experiencing a 40% loss in their retirement accounts 5 years before retirement. This is money that was supposed to be there for them and it isn't. If your investments take a hit right before YOU are ready to retire, it doesn't matter how "smart" you were with your money.

Is life insurance is necessary as you get older? You will be shocked at the costs of even a modest funeral these days. What does the average funeral cost in your home town? Ask a funeral director. What is the inflation effect in the funeral industry. If it costs $12,000 today, what will it cost in 10 years? 20 years? 30 years? Ask any beneficiary who has been left any amount of money what they paid in taxes and if it was financially disruptive to them personally.

That cash value life insurance policy that your financial guru told you to ditch could have bypassed probate, provided an income tax free death benefit and, inside of a life insurance trust, completely avoided the estate tax thereby giving your heirs what they deserve.

There are an alarming number of financial professionals that try to draw a connection between life insurance and investing. It's a huge mistake (even supporters of CV insurance make this mistake). Comparing cash value insurance to investing is like asking "how many walkmans does it take to equal an Ipod?". Even if you find an investment strategy that "beats" the insurance what? Cash value insurance is supposed to provide a death benefit with a savings component, not an investment component (despite the mistakes of variable life).

Before you make any decision on whether to buy term or cash value life insurance, think about what you are trying to accomplish. If you want to invest your money, then learn about investing. Learn how to value corporations and buy stocks, bonds, no load mutual funds. If you want a long-term savings, then find an adviser that can maximize your savings through cash value life insurance.

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Meeting your Financial Consultant

By Paul J. Easton

When deciding to get a financial consultant, don't follow the many people making the mistake of choosing their financial consultant like their plumber. You just cannot hire a financial consultant straight from a telephone directory. This is probably one of the biggest decisions in your financial life and this needs some thorough analysis and thoughtful decision makings.

You have to begin first with yourself. Start with deciding what you really want to do with your financial future. Find out what will probably be the role of your financial consultant.

After fixing your mind with your objectives, create a short list of a few financial consultants in your area. Check their credentials. If their credentials look good, schedule an interview with a few of them.

Since you are already fixed with your general goals, it is time to find a financial consultant in the area of your interests. You definitely have a specific financial need and the right financial consultant will have the answer to your problems. You will need a financial consultant with extensive experience in your preferences. That is the reason for conducting an interview. Gauge how their answers fit your lifestyle and standards.

Research more a little deeper into their qualifications. Ask for their certification. There are more than fifty different financial consultancy and planning certifications. One of the most respected is the Certified Financial Planner or CFP. This certification designates a financial consultant as a Certified Financial Planner. Always look at the consultant's work history too. Verify the kind of experiences they have if they relate to your preferences. Lastly, check for possible disciplinary actions in his or her career history. You may encounter several headaches if you don't spend the time looking for this information.

By taking the necessary step to meet your prospective financial consultant, you are showing sincerity and a great deal of effort in securing a bright future. It is absolutely essential that you get to know your financial consultant well.

As this process is very imperative, choosing a financial consultant is more than a walk in the park. It is more than just a quick look at your telephone directory and hiring some help. Going through the hassle of checking the credentials of the different candidates and talking to them are all worth the effort if you hire the best one. Take the time to conduct the interview and find the one you are most comfortable with and you feel most trustworthy. Establish a rapport with this financial consultant and you are on your way to financial success. Of course, it pays to review the performances every quarter after you hire and decide if he or she is doing a good job. Try these steps and you save yourself a lots of stress.

For more information on financial directory, get FREE Articles Tips at Get debt-free today with tips on how to get rid of debt here.

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How to Trust your Financial Planning

By Paul J. Easton

A personal financial planner is a practicing professional who can provide you with help in different personal financial issues. These professionals are experts in proper financial planning which includes cash flow management, investment planning, education planning, and even retirement planning. They also propose plans for risk management and insurance planning, tax management, and estate planning. They can even provide business succession planning if you are a business owner.

In carrying out the financial planning function, your financial planner needs to create a financial plan with a detailed strategy customized to a client's specific situation in order to meet the specific goals in mind. Looking for one should involve enough caution as this function is very personal and crucial at the same time.

If you are finding for the right financial planner for you, here are a few guides you need to understand. Have a personal point of view of your financial aspirations and objectives. Be very clear before consulting for professional help to have a clear and smooth discussion with your financial planner. Lastly, it is still vital to find someone with whom you can be at ease with. Trust is founded on confidence and value, so find someone you think you can rely on.

You might need a financial planner for a reason. Write down your needs; find out what your current life stage requires you set as a financial goal. Your financial goals generally decide the type of planner you are looking for.

Here is a great tip. Always look for the certification to give you peace of mind that you are dealing with a professional with high ethical standards. Nevertheless, a certification as financial planner can definitely help but the search does not stop there. Discover your planner with starting from your preferences. Find someone with whom you are relaxed to disclose your financial life.

Remember that you are going to share with this person every detail of your financial life, so be cautious with your financial planner at first. Once you get the hang of it and you begin to be confident with your planner, you are to expect a good relationship developing. The first meetings are critical so be very alert in your observations and decide as soon as you can to keep working with your planner or not.

These are just some of the steps to finding the right certified financial planner. By taking the time to realizing your own needs and priorities before finding the right certified planner, you are more focused with your financial goal to be concretized in a plan.

As a rule of the thumb, find the one you can trust with your money and make every cent of the service worth it. Take the time and be decisive, start now by looking for more information.

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How to choose the right forex

By reklicom

Being lazy as a I am, I decided to start by taking the third option, because with this one I would not need to dedicate a lot of time in order to profit from the market (although after a few months with automated trading I decided to invest in a forex trading course too). Indeed, the automated forex trading system did all the work, including placing and closing the trade orders, and up so far with over 90% success rate.

So as you can see, I ultimately improved my performance as I wanted, but not before I did my homework searching for good forex trading info.

As I told you before, forex trading is a very profitable business, but you need to understand that you rely on market movements to make money, so if you are not in the right place at the right time, you could miss a lot of profitable entry points. By having the right tool you will never have to go through that.

I cannot tell you enough how important this is, because when I first started with forex trading. I decided to read a little bit here and there, and settled for some forex trading info provided by friends already in the market, I thought I was invincible.

The largest market in the business world consists of the trading of foreign currency. Foreign currency trading, often abbreviated as FX, Forex or foreign exchange, is considered a liquid market, meaning that there is actually very little actual market trading going on while trading foreign currency"most Forex online trading is purely speculative, with only a small percentage of actuals translating into companies or governments conversion needs. In a liquid market, assets are converted very easily, with very little loss into cash, yet there is enough account activity going on to satisfy both the sellers and buyers competing in the market. The Easy-Forex system, an online Forex platform, is designed to assist potential Forex traders in their daily dealings, making the process as smooth as possible. With Easy-Forex, there is no Forex software to download, and potential traders can begin dealing in just minutes.

The second option sounded even better to me because I would not have to make much decisions, since I simply would be pointed out the right moment to place my orders and close them for profits. However I would have to be attentive of the market movements during the day.

With Easy-Forex, there is a qualified staff ready to assist traders with anything they might need, and unlike so many other internet marketing businesses, there are real people waiting to take troubleshooting calls or emails. In addition, beginning Forex traders can take advantage of the option for live help and one-on-one Forex training straight from the experts to ensure they will be properly equipped to utilize the Forex market to their advantage. Moreover, the trader will be assigned a personal account manager who will act as a live operator during the traders first activity on the market, guiding them through their first steps in Forex trading.

Global forex trading is indeed a high speculative endeavor. Keep in mind that the traders who are successful in trading forex are those who are methodical, have strong controls over their emotions and impulses, fault-analytical, and disciplined. The traders can really earn big profits in just a few days of trading, it will grow as the time goes by, however only avoid making any mistakes.

There are different forms of business. But the easiest way of making money is to trade forex. One of the leading providers of forex trading in real times basis is the global forex trading. It started out its operation since 1997.

It gives chances to individuals to trade forex online on real times and it offers an opportunity to most forex brokers to earn millions each day.

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Consumer Views on Retirement Planning Programs that Work

By Michael Geoffrey

With so many different programs that help plan for the financial future, it is difficult to make sure the one you use is the most accurate. By carefully reading retirement planning software reviews you should be able to separate the wheat from the chafe and find the one program that is easy to use, easy to understand and is capable to perform all the functions you need it to calculate.

The first thing to consider is what your needs are and if the software you are looking into will satisfy those needs. There are reviews written on both personal and professional software that can help you see what others have experienced when using it.

Software that is made for personal use is usually not as extensive. A financial planner will need more options available in the software he uses. Therefore the software designed for the professional advisor may have some features that are not available in the programs made for individuals.

You have to decide what you need before you proceed to download software. It may be that some of options on the professional software are desirable. But usually you will have to pay for software that includes a lot of extras.

What Can You Get For Free

It may sound great to get free software. However, sometimes you pay in the long run because the software doesn't do what you need it to do or it is difficult to understand. If you input the information and the software performs its calculations but you don't understand the information it spits back out at you then the free software was of no benefit to you. Consumer reviews will show you a lot.

Since software for financial advisors will most likely be purchased by experts most of the reviews and opinions written about it will be written by those experts. That means some of the terminology or explanations may be a bit over the average person's head. The reviews you do understand may be those written for the programs made for personal use and some of those reviews may come from the manufacturer.

The manufacturer may be able to give you information about the features of the software. But they will not give you an objective opinion on how user friendly or how helpful the software really is. You will have to seek the outside opinion of other users to get an unbiased opinion.

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