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Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Reverse Mortgage Costs High - It's Not Just the Lender!

By Borkow Vanrock

Something to remember: the costs of concluding a reverse mortgage will be lofty. It doesn't make a difference where you reside.

Usually, closing costs are around five percent of the home value, however if the house is considered on the low end in terms of worth, it could be up to 10%.

This can hit some borrowers hard when it takes them by surprise. Many times they consider the harshness of the transaction the loan company's fault.

So, who do we blame when there is no one else to blame? Mostly people like to point their fingers at the mortgage company. Those greedy pigs.

The totality of all the closing costs is made up of anywhere from 5 to 9 companies. And don't forget HUD.

If you look at what is known as a Good Faith Estimate of Costs, you will notice a litany of fees. Only one of these fees is charged by the actual lender. It is known as an origination fee.

Don't get me wrong, the origination fee is still substantial. But it is not the majority of the cost.

The largest fee, typically, is the FHA mortgage insurance premium. FHA charges two percent of the value of the home up to $417,000.

At the highest value of $417,000 FHA can charge over eight thousand dollars in mortgage insurance. The lender can only charge up to $6,000.

This is newly legislated by the way. I think its funny that the government has no problem capping how much money the lender can make, but they don't cap how much they can charge.

This is a side-note.. Did you notice all the phone calls wanting campaign donations? Yes, they are excluded from the National Do-Not-Call rules.

Anyway, another big bite out of the costs comes from the escrow company. They have several fees, including a transaction fee, insurance for the title, and others.

Also add in the official appraisal cost. Sometimes a land inspection is needed as well. These fees are pretty expensive.

I don't know about every states specifications, but rest assured there are other little factors that add to costs as well, and as I said in the beginning, the lender isn't the only one to blame.

The First Steps To Significantly Reduce Your Utility Bill

By Jenni Snook

Receiving our gas and electrical bills is certainly not the most pleasant experience. Despite not receiving a pleasant bill, many people quickly assume that there's nothing they can do to help it. In reality, there is a lot families can do to significantly reduce both their energy consumption and their utility bills. All this is possible by following the tips in this article.

One of the first things you should do is to simply compare the prices offered by different utility companies. Cheaper alternatives may be found by just looking. Utility companies are in fierce competition with rivals, which can only be a win-win situation for you and saving money.

It's possible that you may be living in an area where there is only one utility company. It's also possible that your utility company is already the most economical one. If this reflects your situation, then your next step to save money should be to reduce your energy consumption. This may seem impossible but it isn't. Even by applying very simple energy saving techniques, you can accumulate quite a large amount of savings.

Simply turning off the lights in rooms that are not being used is a great way to start saving energy. Many have a bad habit of leaving lights on in unused rooms. There's no doubt that such a habit can dramatically increase your utility bill over a long period of time. A simple change like that can potentially save you a sizeable amount of money over the course of a year.

Insulation is something to consider if you currently live in an older home. Insulation does wonders for cutting down the amount of heat that leaves your home. Insulation can allow your family to save a significant amount of money. If you have a boiler in your home, you may want to insulate that as well. This would also assure that your water is warmer during the cold months of winter. This process of insulation assures you savings both on the quantity of water and the heat used to heat it. In addition, insulation assures that your boiler reduces its wear and tear meaning that it will last longer.

There are those people who do not consider reducing their energy bill simply because they are convinced that it is out of their control. Nonetheless, there is a big possibility of saving a significant amount of money by simply looking for alternatives. The best part about cutting energy is that you're saving money as well as protecting the environment.

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Wondering What Day Trading Is? Here's How To Get Started

By Sam Lockwood

One way you can make money buying and selling on the stock exchange is by day trading. This method uses the volatility of the market over the course of a given day to help traders make their money. Currently, we're in one of the most volatile markets since the late 1990s, making it one of the best day trading markets.

Day trading can use short selling to profit from stocks even if indicators say that the prices are dropping in the near future. In every case, day traders will be working through brokers, and they'll have to watch two major indicators. These indicators are the TDISC and the NDIX. At the beginning of a given trading day, these indicators will tell you a lot about what's going on in several exchanges. They're sensitive to volatile markets. When markets are going down, the TDISC drops by more than two thousand ticks in a very short time. When markets are rising, the NDIX increases by the same in under a half hour of opening.

The rapid fluctuations that can happen over the course of a single day are what day traders use to make their money. They have to buy and sell quickly. That's why day trading is both a great way to make a big profit and a fast way to lose it all. You're never buying for the long term, so it can be tempting to buy lots and skip researching. You might get lucky trying this, but most of the time it doesn't work.

Remember that day trading isn't a passive income source like some other methods. It's a job! If you're going to get into day trading, take a good Internet course or seminar, and make sure you know everything you need to get started.

In addition to basic knowledge, you will also require a brokerage account. After all, one of the big tricks for day trading is short selling. This is when you borrow a share of stock from the broker you work with, then sell it right away. You're planning to buy another share to give back to him with it comes due. When the price of stock goes down, you make a profit. Time things correctly and read the market right and you'll find things working out well. You can also move larger amounts using leverage.

The opposite of short selling is deciding to borrow or buy a share of stock at one price, then selling it the same day for a higher price.

Day trading means you're going to need good observational skills and incredible nerves. You also have to be willing to have a short memory. That's so that you can stare losses in the face without stressing out or going into a panic.

Now, it is possible to do day trading from home and to do well at it. Use the right programs and tutorials to find out everything you can, and make sure all trades are executed according to a careful plan. Be sure to get them done before the last half hour of the trading day in your market, as well.

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Home Mortgage Loan Guide

By John Bear

When you are about to purchase a home, it wouldn't be surprising to get a little puzzled at all kinds of words lenders just throw at us. Terms like balloon mortgages, adjustable rate mortgages and fixed rate have succeeded in making our lives more complicated. Actually, those are the common types of home loans so as to select the best one, we will have to define each one of them.

You will want a fixed rate loan when you are planning to buy a home and stay in it until you pay it off. With this type, you will be given an interest rate that is fixed and will not change for the life of the loan. Now, if interest rates go higher, yours will remain the same however, when interest rates go lower, you are to pay a higher rate.

The second type is the adjustable rate mortgage or the ARM. This loan's interest rate basically goes up and down with the market so if the interest rate is low, so will yours; and if high, your home mortgage rate will, too. One disadvantage of this type is that the interest rate on a home mortgage loan affects the payments so you will never know what your monthly mortgage payments will be so this type won't be right for everyone.

For starters, if you are purchasing a house for investment purposes and you plan to sell it quickly, you might take advantage of low interest rates by getting this type of loan, particularly if it looks as if they may go lower.

Another smart move in using an ARM is to buy a home during the time when interest rates are on the decline. You can have the ARM changed to fixed rate home mortgage loan whenever the interest rates reach the bottom.

The balloon home loan is the third type of loan and with this type, for a fixed amount of time with a fixed interest rate, you will do monthly payments. But in this type, you are to owe an unpaid balance in one lump of sum at the end of the payment schedule. So interest rates in this type of loan are much lower than the other two previous types.

Just one big problem for this type of loan is the large payment due at the end. On the other hand, if you plan to hold the house for just a short period of time, the balloon home loan might just suit you well.

When you get to really understand the types of home loans then you will be more confident and prepared to make the right decision in getting the best home mortgage loan for you and your family.

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Tips On Getting Home Mortgages

By John Bear

Basically, mortgages are being used on real estate properties rather than other properties, so when you think of a mortgage loan, it is being taken out to buy the property, which has been used as collateral. In simple terms, home mortgages are then loans that you take in order to purchase a house, which is the security for the loan.

Getting a home mortgage enables a person to defer paying for the home purchased. Ideally, there are two parties in a home mortgage: the creditor, who gives the loan, and the debtor, who will take the mortgage. Other parties can include a legal advisor, a mortgage broker and a financial advisor.

Mortgages can also be repaid in a number of different ways, just like conventional loans. These different ways include paying capital and interest, interest-only, no capital or interest, interest and partial capital, and more. Second mortgages, refinance mortgages, and bad credit mortgage loans are some of the other kinds of mortgages.

The rate of interest that is to be paid with the capital is known as the mortgage rate. It is one of the most important aspects in home mortgages. Now, there are also another two kinds of home mortgages based on the rate: the fixed-rate mortgages and the adjustable-rate mortgages.

The kind of mortgage to be taken depends mainly on the borrower's requirements and situation. The main aspects to be considered are: how much can be borrowed, the price range, and the tax advantages of taking the mortgage.

The home mortgage process, also known as origination, involves several stages such as submission of an application and documentation about credit history and income, checking of the documents and credentials by the underwriter, and granting of the mortgage. A good credit history is very important in order to secure a home mortgage. Creditors charge some fees for giving a mortgage like entry and exit fees, administration fees and lender's mortgage insurance.

Taking a home mortgage is no longer a tedious process. Most lenders have online websites that allow borrowers to discuss the mortgage, submit an application and also compare the various options. Their sites also have easy-to-use home mortgage calculators that give all information, including payments to be made each month and the tax advantages, with just the single click of a button.

Most of the sites that offer home mortgages also have financial advisors who can provide advice online, or over the phone. The Internet is a good source for finding a good mortgage dealer. Just make sure though that their credentials are good enough.

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Laws about auto insurance

By Mark Alison

Do you know the proper auto insurance laws of your state? Do you know how much coverage you need? Or, what is the minimum coverage required? Do you have liability insurance? What will happen if you drive to another state and get pulled over?

Your agent is the best source of information. They have access to all the state laws for insurance and will be able to lead you in the right way. It's their job to know these things and they get paid for your safety. Before you call them be sure to write down your inquiries so they can answer them promptly and you don't have to call them back.

Basic rule is that each state has a minimum requirement for the auto insurance coverage you need to have for certain situations. The three types of coverage is injury to another, injury to all people, and damage to property.

The general rule is that you need proper coverage for the states you drive through as well. If the state you're traveling through needs more coverage than you have, it's your responsibility to extend the coverage for the states you travel through.

There are options if you don't have money to pay for insurance. Some states have vehicles you don't need insurance for. In Washington and Oregon, motorcycles, scooters, and mopeds do not need insurance to drive them.

You must keep proof of insurance on you at all times. If you were pulled over, you are required to provide it. If you don't, then you must appear in court and show proof or you will be fined heavily. Appearing in court is not a fun thing to do, be sure you have your proof at all times.

The biggest factor in finding cheap auto insurance is keeping your driving record clean. Knowing a little bit about the laws can help a great deal!

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The 4 Property Rule in Real Estate Investing

By Susan Lassiter-Lyons

Portfolio lending is on the rise. The main reason for this is portfolio lending is not subject to the crazy 4 property rule. Through a portfolio lender, it is possible to have more than 20 mortgages. But those investors looking for conventional loans through lenders such as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will run into the 4 property rule wall.

It is understandable that new rules need to be put in effect to prevent the fiasco that precipitated the nefarious $750 billion bailout bill. However, the onset of the 4 property rule is among the most egregious. In fact, this particular rule is a complete rejection of the principles that the free market is founded on. That is, the 4 property rule is a massive overreach of government regulation designed to limit the free market. Worst of all, this type of regulation limits a great deal of personal liberty and freedom.

Wondering what the 4 property rule actually is? Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac announced in 2008 that the maximum number of financed properties a person can have is four. This crazy rule even includes a person's primary residence so really the maximum number of rentals is limited to three.

This type of rule does very little to help our economy recover. In my opinion, it is a form of Socialism. And, last time I looked we lived in a country founded on Capitalism. So, this rule overall does nothing to improve our situation and in fact the 4 property rule can significantly weaken our economy.

For example, prior to the current economic meltdown, many legitimate investors took advantage of skyrocketing real estate values. They would purchase properties at low prices and then sell high. In some cases, real estate investors would purchase significant volumes of property for resale. Some investors would purchase literally dozens of properties for resale. The profits derived from this wholesaling had an enormous benefit on the overall economy.

That is, in the absence of the 4 property rule, the sale of massive volumes of real estate would yield a number of positive effects. For example, the revenues generated could be invested into the stock market. Once invested, it would provide liquidity to many different companies. It would also generate significant tax revenue to the state and local governments. And, of course, the wealth created by this multiplexing of real estate sales would greatly expand purchasing. This would improve the economy in other sectors of the market. With the onset of the 4 property rule, all of this would cease and much of the economy could be undermined. Hopefully, this rule will eventually be revoked and return a more free market approach to the world of real estate.

Then again, regardless of whether or not this rule is revoked, portfolio lenders are not restricted to such a rule. If you wish to seek massive financing, a portfolio lender is the lender to visit.

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Some Seniors Looking for Help From Appraiser - Not happening

By Scweezeme Vanrock

Two days ago I heard from a would-be client, who quickly became a never-would-be client. I say this because I can practically guarantee that I wont be contacted by him again.

He began by flattering my marketing abilities. Once I was buttered up he opened the door to his true inquiry: How can choosing you instead of another lender, get me the largest cash sum possible from my house?

The truth is that nothing can be done differently. There is a formula, used by all lenders of reverse mortgages, to determine how much cash can be taken out of a mortgage.

After that he says he would like me to hire an appraiser that would do impressive work. I knew this meant he wanted someone who would alter his results a bit to have it work out in the end.

His reasoning behind this is that a bigger loan will be handed out if there is a higher report of home worth.

Many seniors have a desire to pay off their traditional mortgage using the reverse mortgage. It's the number 1 reason seniors are looking at the reverse. But, with waning values, it can be precarious.

However, with a low appraisal the reverse lender cannot always give enough to complete this goal for them. Instead, the borrower has to continue paying on the forward mortgage until the worth of his house goes up enough to try again.

Appraisers are in a tough spot right now. Yes, they had the luxury for many years to trump up appraisals.

An appraiser who comes across this article might be bothered by what I said and even dispute it, but its common knowledge that number adjusting was taking place.

Now the finger is pointing at everyone in the real estate industry for causing the big mortgage mess, even appraisers. They are being watched more closely than they were before.

Appraisal audits are more frequent than ever and appraisers are running the risk of losing their license if business is not conducted as it should.

So, that is what I told this guy. I haven't heard from him since. I told him other companies would tell him how their appraiser will definitely get him the greatest value.

Most lenders will promise it, but won't do anything differently when it comes down to it. I choose to let seniors know all the facts and risk losing them as a client.

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Roth IRA Account

By Herbert Castillo

IRA actually stands for Individual Retirement Account. They come in several different types that follow different rules and cater to different people's needs. I have recently started contributing to a Roth IRA and would like to discuss why.

The Tax Payer Relief Act created the Roth IRA in 1997 in order to take it easy on the social security system and to help people plan for their retirement in personal investment rather than relying solely on their employer's 401k program. They encourage the people by allowing certain financial benefits if these IRA accounts are used for retirement planning. What are some of these benefits?

For starters, the Roth IRA contributions are not tax deductible. And, most people would probably consider that a bad thing. But think about this. If you contribute the maximum allowed $5,000 (2008 Maximum for under $100,000 annual) from your income and don't pay taxes on it at time of contribution, then that $5,000 fund is really about a $4,000 fund. On the other hand, if you contribute that same amount to a Roth IRA and don't deduct it from your income tax form, then it is a true $5,000 fund. Which brings me to my next point.

Second, after funds have been in the Roth IRA for 5 years, they can be withdrawn with no penalties or taxation. There are penalties and taxes applied to any withdrawals from a regular IRA before you hit 59 1/2 years old.

This permission for early withdrawal after the five year seasoning period makes it a great source for an emergency fund that everyone needs. So you can save for retirement while simultaneously putting back funds for emergencies like a new roof, or a new car. The allowances for early withdrawal are relatively lax compared to a traditional IRA.

There are a few very strict withdrawal permissions that allow early withdrawal from a traditional IRA. For instance: You can use up to $10k from the account before 59 1/2 years of age for the purchase of a home. But as I mentioned before the rules are very strict. The buyer must be either the IRA holder, their spouse or a child of the holder, and they must have not owned a home in the previous two years. the other allowances follow suit with the strict circumstantial rules.

The Roth IRA suits me and my circumstances. But each person has their own goals and needs. So to find out which IRA is right for you, talk to a financial consultant about the options. Ask plenty of questions so that you can make an educated decision.

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