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Monday, December 15, 2008
Credit scores go up and down based on one's interaction with the credit industry. If you have already negatively impacted your credit score, know that it will be fairly tough recovering from the pitfall. The first step is to make sure that there aren't any problems with your current credit score- something that can be done by obtaining a free credit score via Internet resources.
Because improving a credit rating can be so tough, it's best to start early. Parents are urged to take out loans in the name of their children to help boost their credit scores for later on in life. It's also a good idea to take out a loan even if an adult doesn't need it, since the benefit from the credit rating increase will help clean up negative scores, and seek to get consumers better interest rates.
Another good way to build credit is to be careful with what you put on your credit card. If you do decide to put an item on credit, always do so with the knowledge that you will be able to pay it off before the month's end. Otherwise, a missed payment will negatively impact one's credit rating and likely make them less of an ideal candidate for obtaining a loan.
Sometimes if one doesn't have much interaction with the credit industry, they can show a lender bills they have paid in the past. This can be something as simple as rent for an apartment or house, or even utility bills. This is an ideal way for the self employed to gain more credibility, as they are usually on the low end of the rope since self employed jobs aren't always seen as stable enough for lenders.
Something as simple as being married can also benefit a credit rating- or even negatively impact it if your loved one has a bad history in credit. While this certainly shouldn't be a pro or con in choosing a mate in life, but it should certainly be reviewed and fixed before getting married if one's rating is substantially low.
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From this point, consumers should try to find their credit report, which can cost money. There are some websites online that allow users access to a free credit report, but special rules and conditions usually apply in such a scenario.
The first thing to do before obtaining a loan is to check one's credit report. A credit report will detail why the score is what it is. Many times there may be errors or mistakes that credit companies have logged, which could negatively impact one's rating. Because of this, obtaining a free credit report is almost mandatory before visiting a lender for the first time in hopes of obtaining a loan.
Credit is built when a positive interaction with the credit industry in maintained. This is primarily done through loans, which measure how responsible a consumer is in keeping up to date with their finances. Sometimes it is a good idea to take out a loan even if it isn't needed, especially for young adults who likely have no credit built at all. A good parent will take out loans such as this for children, who definitely need the extra credit.
Be extremely careful on what goes on a credit card, and only put an product or service on a credit card if you think you can pay the full amount back within a month. If you don't, your payment will be considered late and over a period of time, this will negatively impact one's credit rating. Obviously being responsible is key to a good credit rating.
Sometimes if one doesn't have much interaction with the credit industry, they can show a lender bills they have paid in the past. This can be something as simple as rent for an apartment or house, or even utility bills. This is an ideal way for the self employed to gain more credibility, as they are usually on the low end of the rope since self employed jobs aren't always seen as stable enough for lenders.
Something as simple as being married can also benefit a credit rating- or even negatively impact it if your loved one has a bad history in credit. While this certainly shouldn't be a pro or con in choosing a mate in life, but it should certainly be reviewed and fixed before getting married if one's rating is substantially low.
Closing Comments
Credit reports usually aren't free, since they cost money to maintain and process. But there are some lenders and online websites that offer free credit reports, as long as special conditions are met. Look online for more information on this.
Swap Names
If there are three or more people in your family, consider picking names. Have each person draw one name and buy just one gift for that person.
For instance, if there were four people in a family, each person would buy just one gift: four total.
If, on the other hand, each person bought gifts for the other three family members, 12 gifts would be purchased. (4 family members x 3 gifts apiece = 12 gifts) So by drawing names, it's possible to reduce your gift-spending by 200%.
Make Your Gifts
Do you have a skill for making things? Then consider making your gifts instead of spending money to buy them!
My wife is good at making jewelry, ornaments, and hair bows. She's used her skill to save money during the holidays.
Don't Give Gifts
There is so much abundance and wealth in the U.S., we hardly "need" anything. So is it really necessary to go nuts and spend a small fortune on gifts?
Consider putting a hold on gift-giving for a year. Instead, focus on spending quality time with those you love.
Write a List
If you decide to buy gifts, then don't set foot in a retail store without knowing exactly what you're getting -- and exactly how much you plan to spend.
Window shopping is a friend of debt. But if you have a clear purpose and budget, you'll walk away with your finances intact.
Don't Use Credit
When buying gifts, use cash or debit -- but avoid using credit. Since you're spending a lot of money in between the statement cycle, it's too easy to lose track of what you've spent.
An extra benefit: You can rest easy in January knowing you won't get a credit card bill with a huge balance.
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