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Friday, December 26, 2008
The truth is HUD backed insured mortgages have higher closing costs than forward mortgages. I always make a point of telling this to my customers as soon as I can.
FHA insured mortgage upfront costs are high for 3 reasons: First, the lender performs an appraisal on the home and charges costs on the value of that appraisal, not the money the borrower is qualified to receive.
Also, the lender charges a fee for originating the loan called (no surprise) an origination fee. this can be 1% higher than forward mortgages. Finally, FHA's mortgage insurance premium is 2% of valuation, up to $417,000.
One doesn't need to have a degree in advanced calculus to quickly figure out that closing costs are fairly expensive.
One could argue the origination fee is not really higher than a typical mortgage, because forward mortgages simply build the fee into the rate. That's another subject for another day.
When it comes down to it, the FHA mortgage insurance is the culprit when determining why reverse closing costs are as high as they are. The thing is without this pricey mortgage insurance premium most seniors would be stuck with a second rate reverse mortgage and many with none at all.
To illustrate this point a 70 year old client with a 200 thousand $ mortgage, getting a HUD backed reverse mortgage, is entitled to receive somewhere in the neighborhood of $130,000.
Non-FHA products are not really in existence anymore. However, Fannie Mae had one prior to dumping it in the fall of '08. Here is one of the reasons why it's gone. The same customer would have been eligible to receive less than one hundred thousand dollars.
The HUD backed product is far more potent than the other products because the insurance covers lender losses. With their bets hedged reverse mortgage lenders could simply lend more money.
The insurance covers the lender in the event that one day more is owed on the home than the home is worth. This is the lender's biggest fear.
The basic fact about the high cost to get a FHA reverse mortgage is you gotta pay to play. People have real financial issues that the cheaper, proprietary reverse mortgages simply couldn't solve.
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One recent and regrettable trend in the industry has been a steady rise in the numbers of consumer complaints lodged with various reporting agencies and watchdog groups that keep an eye on the consumer credit counseling service industry. Sadly, whenever an industry sees real growth year after year, the temptation of easy money invites disreputable players who, provide poor service and even actively work to cheat customers. It is particularly upsetting when the business caters to people who are already facing grave financial problems.
One of the best tips when searching for a credit counseling agency is to pass over any consumer credit counseling service that has not been in business at least 8-10 years. An extensive track record in the consumer credit counseling service industry usually indicates a business that is run professionally and that provides good services for the fees they charge.
A second tip is to verify the professional accreditation of each consumer credit counseling service you're considering. Look for agencies that have been formally accredited by either (or both) the Council on Accreditation (COA) or the International Standards Organization (ISO). Note: always make sure that the consumer credit counseling service you choose has a current accreditation with these organizations! Some will have been accredited in the past, but may be operating now on a old certificate.
Finally, due diligence requires verifying with the Better Business Bureau and your State's Attorney General's Office for complaints against the agency. You might be astonished by what you uncover with these simple checks. Many disreputable credit counseling agencies remain in business, even after many complaints have been lodged against them. Take the time to check each one out thoroughly before choosing one and paying them for their services.
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The other good way of decreasing your credit card bill is by reducing your other monthly expenses and saving it to pay off your bills of credit card.
A spending diary should always be maintain
Lot of people they do not know that how much their spend on their expenses in the daily basis or on the monthly basis, so it is important to maintain the day to day expenses, to check out that how much money they spent in a day and then calculated the monthly expenses in this way you will come to know that which are the expenses that you are doing unnecessary and instead of doing it you can save it to pay your credit card payments.
The first thing you need to do is to find out that in which ways you are spending your money. For one week you keep record of everything you buy with checks, cash, debit card and the credit cards. You can keep this record any where like you can carry a small note pad all the time and when you spend just write it down or if you feel or you always carry your laptop you can maintain your expenses they, or in any other way it does not matter only your purpose should be maintain.
Do not wait till the end of the day to write your expenses, research has shown that when you try to write your expenses you will forget it or undervalue it. This might seem as a tension of writing all the time but this is not as much as your credit cards bill.
If you don't carry your note book you can also write or maintain it in the cell phones which is always with you. After you have written all your expenses, then go though it and tell your self that all the expenses you have done is worth while or it has been done unnecessarily and try to reduce whose expenses the next week and you will find that at the end of the month you have save money and make sure that you use that money in paying your credit card bill.
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