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Thursday, January 8, 2009
The insurer goes on to say that over a million UK residents have borrowed too much credit and are now struggling to keep up their repayments, with less than 4 million struggling to manage their credit card bills.
Half a million home owners have been threatened with a bailiff or eviction and personal county court judgements CCJs has increased in quarter 3 to their highest level since the start of 2007
The public interest Company that manages the register of judgements on behalf of the Lord Chancellor has reported that within England and Wales County Court Judgements rose by 17.4 per cent year on year to 223,519, its highest level since the beginning of 2007 and from the second quarter of 2008 this is a 25 per cent increase.
Personal Insolvencies within England and Wales rose to just of twenty seven thousand in quarter 3 of 2008 which represents an 8.8 percent increase from just less that 25,000 in the previous quarter.
17,341 people went bankrupt, which has shot up 12.1 per cent from 15,463 in the second quarter of the year, and 9,746 individual voluntary arrangements (IVAs), which is up 3.3 per cent from the three months before.
The credit crunch could be blamed for the increase in corporate and personal insolvency throughout 2008, however, its patently obvious that further failures are going to be compounded by the recession throughout 2009.
It was hoped that the planned Simplified Individual Voluntary Arrangement (SIVA) that had been planned to be implemented early next year would offer some way out, however this has been abandoned by the Insolvency Service.
Where an IVA needed 75 per cent of creditors to accept the proposal for insolvency a Simplified IVA or SIVA only required that a majority accept the terms. The SIVA was intended to be launched next year with a creditor cap of 75,000.
For the time being the options available to the equity challenged British public who are struggling with debt and are not wishing to go bankrupt is either seeking debt management advice or some form or individual insolvency arrangement.
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The reason for this article is to let you know about the margin increase taking place (within 7 days) in the reverse mortgage industry. This increase will be by at least .5%
You may be asking what is the margin? Glad you asked. The margin is the profit the bank or more particularly the banks investors charges on the loan.
The line of credit based on the constant maturity treasury index is what almost all borrowers of a reverse mortgages were using if the went forward with a reverse mortgage with a line of credit.
A couple of days ago the lender's marginal charge (banks profit) was 1.75%. The constant maturity treasury index rested at a .40%, the total of these is 2.15%. This would be the real rate of interest on the loan.
Lenders were sent notice just yesterday that Fannie Mae (a group that backs loans on the secondary market) has bumped up the margin .5 percent at the least.
The effects on borrowers will be fairly limited. We've had the good fortune of rates being so low they are below the FHA floor rate which determines how much money a borrower may cash out.
Rates are tied to how much a borrower can borrow. When rates are higher they get less. And vice versa. Well, when they hit a certain low rate (FHA floor), any rate below that will not get the borrower more money.
At current standing the floor rate is high above us. This means the marginal increase, thankfully, will not put reverse mortgage borrowers above it. So it is still fine to use a estimate given to you in the last couple weeks.
The higher marginal charge will deduct from the equity in the home more quickly. Yes, I just mentioned a negative of the reverse mortgage. But remember the senior won't be paying anyone, which is a huge plus.
Interest is eating away equity, and that is the negative aspect. Due to the marginal increase, it will deduct from it a little more rapidly than before.
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1. Put and Arrange Your Bills in a unique and Well Known Place.
One of the significant tips on how to save money is to make sure that you put everything in one place. Missing bills can be the cause of late fees and can decrease your credit rating. And if you get a lot of mail, use an area that won't get filled up too quickly.
2. Do not Pay Your Bills at Once, Instead, on a schedule.
It is strongly recommended to simplify the process of paying your billing by setting up a payment schedule over definite period time, a month or two. One of the easy ways to save money is to encounter how many bills you get and how often you get them. Then, set up your payment schedule accordingly.
3. Reading Your Credit Card Statement is a Must.
It is really amazing that almost every one likes to enjoy the benefits offered by low interest credit cards, but they never read their statements when they have to pay back the bill. Credit cards involve the risk of starting by low interest to attract your and thy gradually raise the interest. Therefore, a wise recommendation of a money saving expert is always to read your statement before you pay and change your card if the interest is always getting much higher.
4. Do Not Ignore the Benefits of Automatic payments.
When it is coming to tips for saving money, automatic payments option must be your strategy. Most banks offer a way to automatically deduct money from your account to pay creditors. In return, the creditors usually offer a lower interest rate when you sign up for this payment option because they get their money faster and on-time.
5. Get Overdraft Protection.
Guarding yourself against an over drafted bank account is really one of the easy ways to save money. Most banks offer you the chance to switch the payment source for you in case you suffer from the risk to bounce a check. They do it of course in an exchange of a fee, which is in any case less than the fee you would pay incase you do not pay your check. Contact your bank for more details.
6. Account Consolidation is a Must.
Account consolidation is one of the must tips on how to save money. If you have several credit card accounts with outstanding balances, try to consolidate them into one. Also, make a list of all your accounts to see if any consolidation can be done. Keeping your money in fewer places eliminates all of the guesswork involved and reduces errors.
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