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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Who Will Pay Your Long Term Care Bills?

By Terry Stanfield

I always like to ask my clients, "Will your financial planner be willing to pay your long term care bills, will they have access to good quality Home Health Care Providers?" Many lawyers and advisors are now reluctant to recommend against Long Term Care Insurance for fear of law suits later on, from children, when hundreds of thousands of dollars were required to pay for their parents long term care bills. Planners who fail to recommend coverage are more times than not, unaware of the real RISK of needing care one day.

The senior has now become the GREATEST financial risk that Americans face today. The majority of them are unaware of it because let's face it: No One wants to think about needing Long Term Care. It is going to happen to someone else! Long term care bills are the biggest reason for financial failures among seniors today. Yet there are a lot of Financial Planners and Investment advisers who will say that you don't need Long Term Care Insurance.

If you already have a lot of money, perhaps you don't! The question is: Would it be a smart decision to have this coverage? What we are seeing today are many Financial Planners split on the subject of LTC Insurance. You will hear some say that if you have any resources you should not be without it, that it is an integral part of financial planning, while others think if you have enough money you should self-insure. Who is right?

Every financial adviser I talk with would recommend long term care coverage if he knew in advance that his client would need several years of long term care. Do the math. In a state where long term care bills are averaging $170 per day, and the average premium is $4000 a year for a couple, aged 60, and they live another 20 years, they have paid out $80,000 in premiums for the peace of mind that they will not go broke. Without the insurance, they could end up paying over $80,000 in less than two years for ONE OF THEM on the advice from a Financial Planner telling them that they DON'T NEED IT! It must be concluded that Financial advisers who recommend against LTC Insurance figure you are not going to need care since they would recommend you obtain coverage if they knew you were going to have to spend several hundred thousand dollars. You should find out from the adviser what is the BASIS for their prediction? Also, be aware that advisers are sales people. They are in the business of making you money.

If you purchase Long Term Care Insurance, you have less money for them to manage! The decision is yours. At this point in your life, are you more interested in making a few more thousand dollars a year or are you more interested in protecting what you have already earned from the most DEVASTATING financial risk that people face in America today? One of the biggest financial mistakes a person can make today is needing Long Term Care and having no coverage! Is this a mistake you want to take a chance on making? Seek out a LTC Insurance Specialist to help you make the best informed decision for you and your family. Remember, your Financial Planner or adviser is not going to pay your long term care bills. You will!

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