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Tuesday, November 11, 2008
What is the deal with the instant long term care insurance quotes that are all over the net. Lets take a closer.
There are many choices on how we search for information today. Not only do we have resource libraries, and media opinions, but we now have the greatest source of all. A completely unlimited resource that doesn't care about politics, or media opinions, or the flavor of the day. It's the information highway, the internet! With the likes of search engines like Google, and Yahoo at our very finger tips it's very simply to do a quick search on virtually any topic in question. Unfortunately, just like the predecessors before the internet, some things can be manipulated to fool the average consumer. Let's take a basic search for Long Term Care Insurance. Oh my, millions and millions of hits,now what?? Well as consumers, we think all we need is a price and then just pick the best one, sometimes possibly, but not in the case of long term care insurance. One price does not fit every American's inquiry on the internet search engines.For example, let's say we have a married couple in their late 50's in reasonably good health. They eat right and take care of themselves physically. Easy right, any product for Long Term Care Insurance. nope, way to many variables. There is absolutely no way this couple could get a fair and honest shake from a site that promises an instant quote.
There are always three basic drivers of a long term care insurance plan that determines what company, product, and size of plan one needs, health, age and finances.
Health determines best company to utilize; age determines what product is best suited for you; and finances determines size of plans you can comfortably afford. Instant long term care insurance quotes websites may be able to go through a short list of health questions on a site to see if you are even remotely eligible, but that's it.
Then there are medications, doses, pending surgeries, and other controlled conditions that might make a difference to an insurance company.
Age is easy enough, but some carriers offer better rates at certain ages than others.
Finances are a very unlikely topic to inadvertently display for who knows who, so that's out too.
Now, I'm sure this is beginning to make complete sense. Only if I had never taken any medications, known exactly what company and plan I can afford, then I could possibly get an Instant Quote from the internet.
The bottom line, you need an expert in this field to make recommendations about your future needs. Your stock broker, financial planner, tax accountant, lawyer know little more about long term care insurance, other than they know you need it. That is still more than these instant long term care insurance quotes websites. Ask an expert that specializes in long term care insurance and represents several companies. They are out there, don't trust the protection of your assets and choices in your care to anyone other than a true expert. Some sites are good, and your name goes to an licensed agent in your state who is an expert in long term care insurance, as well as partnerships, LTCi tax laws and other localized situations. Get as much information as possible so that you can make an educated decision on your long term care insurance plan.
A lot of these sites will give you low quotes to get you signed up and in the door, but just wait for your first real quote from them. Talk about sticker shock! All you would have accomplished is high blood pressure and a waste of time. Something this is important is worth doing right the first time around.
There are many choices on how we search for information today. Not only do we have resource libraries, and media opinions, but we now have the greatest source of all. A completely unlimited resource that doesn't care about politics, or media opinions, or the flavor of the day. It's the information highway, the internet! With the likes of search engines like Google, and Yahoo at our very finger tips it's very simply to do a quick search on virtually any topic in question. Unfortunately, just like the predecessors before the internet, some things can be manipulated to fool the average consumer. Let's take a basic search for Long Term Care Insurance. Oh my, millions and millions of hits,now what?? Well as consumers, we think all we need is a price and then just pick the best one, sometimes possibly, but not in the case of long term care insurance. One price does not fit every American's inquiry on the internet search engines.For example, let's say we have a married couple in their late 50's in reasonably good health. They eat right and take care of themselves physically. Easy right, any product for Long Term Care Insurance. nope, way to many variables. There is absolutely no way this couple could get a fair and honest shake from a site that promises an instant quote.
There are always three basic drivers of a long term care insurance plan that determines what company, product, and size of plan one needs, health, age and finances.
Health determines best company to utilize; age determines what product is best suited for you; and finances determines size of plans you can comfortably afford. Instant long term care insurance quotes websites may be able to go through a short list of health questions on a site to see if you are even remotely eligible, but that's it.
Then there are medications, doses, pending surgeries, and other controlled conditions that might make a difference to an insurance company.
Age is easy enough, but some carriers offer better rates at certain ages than others.
Finances are a very unlikely topic to inadvertently display for who knows who, so that's out too.
Now, I'm sure this is beginning to make complete sense. Only if I had never taken any medications, known exactly what company and plan I can afford, then I could possibly get an Instant Quote from the internet.
The bottom line, you need an expert in this field to make recommendations about your future needs. Your stock broker, financial planner, tax accountant, lawyer know little more about long term care insurance, other than they know you need it. That is still more than these instant long term care insurance quotes websites. Ask an expert that specializes in long term care insurance and represents several companies. They are out there, don't trust the protection of your assets and choices in your care to anyone other than a true expert. Some sites are good, and your name goes to an licensed agent in your state who is an expert in long term care insurance, as well as partnerships, LTCi tax laws and other localized situations. Get as much information as possible so that you can make an educated decision on your long term care insurance plan.
A lot of these sites will give you low quotes to get you signed up and in the door, but just wait for your first real quote from them. Talk about sticker shock! All you would have accomplished is high blood pressure and a waste of time. Something this is important is worth doing right the first time around.
About the Author:
Before you go out and buy a policy go to Long Term Care Insurance, ask questions and request a long term care insurance quote. We represent 20 of the top LTCi providers. This gives you tremendous options.
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