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Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Alternatives to Bankruptcy. Individual Voluntary Arrangements: An Individual Voluntary Arrangement or IVA is a formal agreement between the debtor and the County Court made to avoid a petition for bankruptcy. You can either set an amount to pay your creditors monthly and dutifully or pay them in full. To file for an IVA, you will need the help of an insolvency practitioner who will act as the middle man. It is usually costly to hire an insolvency practitioner. Asking them for an initial meeting where you can seek advice whether filing an IVA is appropriate in your case or not is best suited. This way, you can be sure that every cent you pay for is worth it. Names of local insolvency practitioners can be obtained through the court offices or the Official Receivers.
The insolvency practitioner prepares the proposal of payment scheme that is according to your capabilities. If your creditors agree to the terms stated in your IVA, the arrangement is put in place. If you fail to comply with the terms in your IVA for the period that it was in effect either your insolvency practitioner or your creditors could file a bankruptcy petition against you.
A clause in the hire purchase agreement states that you will have to return the item once you are declared bankrupt. This means that your contract with the company will be terminated altogether. In some cases, however, you can be allowed to continue ownership by making payments dutifully even while you are declared bankrupt.
Pensions: If you went bankrupt before May 29, 2000, your personal pension could be taken in as an asset. This means that you will receive no lump sum or weekly payments in the future. This rule has been changed, however. Therefore, if you went bankrupt after May 29, 2000, your pension, may it be personal or occupational, should be left untouched. Some debtors used their pensions to stop creditors from taking away their savings. In this case, the pension fund may be lost to the Official Receiver.
Qualifications of an unfit conduct include: Deceiving the Official Receiver about your assets and businesses two years before you went bankrupt. Gambling. Making business transactions at a time when you know that you cannot handle debts. Taking out credits you cannot pay.Giving away your assets to avoid them from being taken away by the Official Receiver. Prioritizing some creditors over the others. Failure to cooperate with the Official Receiver.Concealing your assets and properties from the Official Receiver.
The Statutory Demand is usually used by creditors to force its debtors pay the amount they owe immediately without any intention of filing for bankruptcy. This is because no amount is required for filing a Statutory Demand while filing for Bankruptcy charges fees upfront.
Bankruptcy Can Stay On Your Credit Report For 10 Years Filing for bankruptcy can be on your credit for up to a decade. It's a good idea to look into alternatives for bankruptcy. Buying anything on credit can be a real challenge for many years after you file bankruptcy.
ADVICE - Statutory Demands: Once you receive a Statutory Demand, your next move should be to check if you can have it set aside.Do I have Assets? Once you are declared bankrupt, the Official Receiver or appointed trustee may rule out to sell all your assets to pay for your debt.
Only the larger County Courts accept bankruptcy petitions. Although you are obtaining the form from your local County Court, you will need to take a trip to the High Court to submit the form. If, for example, you reside in central London, you will have to go to the High Court to submit your petition. The District Judge will usually call for a hearing that same day to decide whether it is appropriate to issue the order or not.
REMEMBER - Beneficial Interest: If your co-owners have any intention of buying out your equity share of the property, they must do it quickly. Otherwise, the Official Receiver may take it into his hands in selling your home altogether. Those who want to buy your beneficial interest must get in touch with your Official Receiver and transact with him directly. The Insolvency Service charges very low for the transfer of your beneficial interest so this should not really be a hard thing to manage. You also need to reach an agreement with your Official Receiver on the actual value of your beneficial interest before this kind of transaction is made. If there is negative equity in the property, the value of your beneficial interest may go from a minimal amount of 1.00.
The insolvency practitioner prepares the proposal of payment scheme that is according to your capabilities. If your creditors agree to the terms stated in your IVA, the arrangement is put in place. If you fail to comply with the terms in your IVA for the period that it was in effect either your insolvency practitioner or your creditors could file a bankruptcy petition against you.
A clause in the hire purchase agreement states that you will have to return the item once you are declared bankrupt. This means that your contract with the company will be terminated altogether. In some cases, however, you can be allowed to continue ownership by making payments dutifully even while you are declared bankrupt.
Pensions: If you went bankrupt before May 29, 2000, your personal pension could be taken in as an asset. This means that you will receive no lump sum or weekly payments in the future. This rule has been changed, however. Therefore, if you went bankrupt after May 29, 2000, your pension, may it be personal or occupational, should be left untouched. Some debtors used their pensions to stop creditors from taking away their savings. In this case, the pension fund may be lost to the Official Receiver.
Qualifications of an unfit conduct include: Deceiving the Official Receiver about your assets and businesses two years before you went bankrupt. Gambling. Making business transactions at a time when you know that you cannot handle debts. Taking out credits you cannot pay.Giving away your assets to avoid them from being taken away by the Official Receiver. Prioritizing some creditors over the others. Failure to cooperate with the Official Receiver.Concealing your assets and properties from the Official Receiver.
The Statutory Demand is usually used by creditors to force its debtors pay the amount they owe immediately without any intention of filing for bankruptcy. This is because no amount is required for filing a Statutory Demand while filing for Bankruptcy charges fees upfront.
Bankruptcy Can Stay On Your Credit Report For 10 Years Filing for bankruptcy can be on your credit for up to a decade. It's a good idea to look into alternatives for bankruptcy. Buying anything on credit can be a real challenge for many years after you file bankruptcy.
ADVICE - Statutory Demands: Once you receive a Statutory Demand, your next move should be to check if you can have it set aside.Do I have Assets? Once you are declared bankrupt, the Official Receiver or appointed trustee may rule out to sell all your assets to pay for your debt.
Only the larger County Courts accept bankruptcy petitions. Although you are obtaining the form from your local County Court, you will need to take a trip to the High Court to submit the form. If, for example, you reside in central London, you will have to go to the High Court to submit your petition. The District Judge will usually call for a hearing that same day to decide whether it is appropriate to issue the order or not.
REMEMBER - Beneficial Interest: If your co-owners have any intention of buying out your equity share of the property, they must do it quickly. Otherwise, the Official Receiver may take it into his hands in selling your home altogether. Those who want to buy your beneficial interest must get in touch with your Official Receiver and transact with him directly. The Insolvency Service charges very low for the transfer of your beneficial interest so this should not really be a hard thing to manage. You also need to reach an agreement with your Official Receiver on the actual value of your beneficial interest before this kind of transaction is made. If there is negative equity in the property, the value of your beneficial interest may go from a minimal amount of 1.00.
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