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Monday, January 12, 2009
When retiring from the civil service there is a system for figuring what your retirement benefits will be. The Civil Service Retirement System can be complicated to understand. There is a program available that allows you to plug in your personal information, such as total number of years service and your pay rank and it will calculate what you can expect in retirement benefits.
Just as with any retirement calculator, the civil service retirement calculator can not determine precisely what you annuity payments will be. But it can give you a close estimate on what you can expect and can give you information on survivor benefits and annuity with survivor benefits that may apply in your case.
An explanation of how the federal government formulates their calculation
There is a specific formula used to calculate the civil service retirement abbreviated as CSRS. However, because of the complicated nature of it, most people use a civil service retirement calculator that will give you a better estimate. The civil service retirement calculator does not use a 365-day calendar. The civil service retirement calculator uses a 261-business day calendar that credits the number of unused sick leave time that you have and applies it to your years of service.
The Survivor Benefit is a civil service retirement calculator item that goes to your spouse if you are married. Your spouse is awarded fifty five percent of your Basic Annual Annuity. The value of the annual annuity is the cost it takes to provide that benefit to your spouse. However, an effort is always made to provide the maximum benefits to your surviving spouse.
The figures in the civil service retirement calculator are based on the average of the highest earnings over 3 years - normally your last three years of employment. Your highest 3 rates of pay are totaled together and averaged out for a basis of your retirement calculations in the civil service retirement calculator.
A civil service retirement calculator can easily be found on line and they are easy to use and very accurate as long as accurate information is provided. You need to be sure that you input correctly your years of service any unused leave and your average salary along with the age you wish to retire.
Civil Service employees are urged to look to age 60 as their year for retirement. If you are nearing that age start looking into what your retirement will be. The government has provided a calculator online so that you can easily plug in your information and see where you stand.
Just as with any retirement calculator, the civil service retirement calculator can not determine precisely what you annuity payments will be. But it can give you a close estimate on what you can expect and can give you information on survivor benefits and annuity with survivor benefits that may apply in your case.
An explanation of how the federal government formulates their calculation
There is a specific formula used to calculate the civil service retirement abbreviated as CSRS. However, because of the complicated nature of it, most people use a civil service retirement calculator that will give you a better estimate. The civil service retirement calculator does not use a 365-day calendar. The civil service retirement calculator uses a 261-business day calendar that credits the number of unused sick leave time that you have and applies it to your years of service.
The Survivor Benefit is a civil service retirement calculator item that goes to your spouse if you are married. Your spouse is awarded fifty five percent of your Basic Annual Annuity. The value of the annual annuity is the cost it takes to provide that benefit to your spouse. However, an effort is always made to provide the maximum benefits to your surviving spouse.
The figures in the civil service retirement calculator are based on the average of the highest earnings over 3 years - normally your last three years of employment. Your highest 3 rates of pay are totaled together and averaged out for a basis of your retirement calculations in the civil service retirement calculator.
A civil service retirement calculator can easily be found on line and they are easy to use and very accurate as long as accurate information is provided. You need to be sure that you input correctly your years of service any unused leave and your average salary along with the age you wish to retire.
Civil Service employees are urged to look to age 60 as their year for retirement. If you are nearing that age start looking into what your retirement will be. The government has provided a calculator online so that you can easily plug in your information and see where you stand.
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